
Three Da Vinci Schools Receive 2024 Purple Star Designation

We are enormously proud to announce that Da Vinci Communications, Da Vinci Design, and Da Vinci Science all have earned the 2024 California Purple Star distinction, joining a select group of just 127 schools throughout the state to receive the honor this year. Da Vinci Communications, Design and Science were the only schools in L.A. County to receive the 2024 designation. Col. Mia Walsh, Commander of the Los Angeles Air Force Base, presented the Purple Star School Awards at the Da Vinci Schools Board of Trustees meeting on Feb. 28th. 

Now in its fourth year, the California Department of Education Purple Star School program publicly recognizes schools that go above and beyond in supporting military-connected students and their families. Military- connected students can expect to change schools between six and nine times from kindergarten through high school, or three times more often than non-military-connected children. As military-connected students transition between schools, often to different states and countries, they must adapt to varying cultures, school populations, curriculum, course offerings, schedules, and graduation requirements.

Da Vinci’s 34+ military-connected students are supported by Jasmine Walker, a Military and Family Life Counselor, and Dr. Steve Wallis who serves as the primary point of contact for military students and families, providing professional learning, resources and programming on issues important to military families. Dr. Wallis works with Da Vinci’s enrollment team to identify children of military families and to connect them to school services and resources. He regularly meets with members of the military community, including the Los Angeles Air Force Base and South Bay Aerospace Alliance to contribute to meaningful discussions and inform policy on school-based and military-connected services. 

Additionally, Dr. Wallis works with Da Vinci school staff to develop a team of student leaders to plan for and welcome new students (including, but not limited to, military students) onto campus, helping to facilitate a warm and supportive environment to ease the anxieties of transitions. Dr. Wallis has worked with the central office team to build and continually update a military-connected webpage dedicated to providing resources to service members and their families.

“Da Vinci Schools is profoundly grateful for the service and sacrifice of our men and women who serve in the military, and I’m proud of Da Vinci Schools’ strong partnership with military families and leaders in support of the military-connected students and families enrolled in our schools,” said Dr. Wallis. “With the help of our student ambassadors, military-connected students transitioning to Da Vinci know and feel that they belong to the Da Vinci family.”

As part of the Purple Star Award presentation on Feb. 28, both Dr. Wallis and Ms. Walker received a U.S. Congress Certificate of Congressional Recognition signed by Congressman Ted W. Lieu for their role in supporting military-connected families by setting standards for military-friendly schools. 

The Purple Star Program was designed to help mitigate the challenges of high mobility by setting standards for and publicly designating military-friendly schools. Schools maintain the Purple Star designation for three years before they must reapply.

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