Da Vinci Science
Grace Long, Principal
Saya Wai, Assistant Principal
201 N. Douglas Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
(310) 725-5800
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Campus Virtual Tour
Founded in 2009, Da Vinci Science High School (DVS) serves approximately 550 students in grades 9-12. The curriculum of DVS has a focus on STEM subjects, with all students completing engineering courses in 9th through 12th grades.
The curriculum of DVS is founded upon the “A-G” requirements for admission to a UC or Cal State, and we use a Project-Based Learning methodology for the delivery of course content, with assessment through a mastery-based grading system that is used by all teachers in the school.
DVS students have three career pathways to choose from: Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering. These pathways include specialized courses as well as unique opportunities for students to work alongside professionals in these fields as well as opportunities for internships and scholarships.
Da Vinci Science is recognized as a certified PLTW Engineering high school and an Early College High School. DVS has a culture of collaboration with many outstanding industry, higher education, and nonprofit partners that are on the leading edge of innovation in their respective fields, including Northrop Grumman, Belkin International, Chevron, Boeing, SpaceX, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, El Camino College, Project Lead The Way, and many more.

Da Vinci Schools' Robotics team, known as Team 4201: The Vitruvian Bots, is the 2019 World Champs, winning the annual FIRST Robotics World Championships in Houston as part of a four-team alliance. In 2022, the team was honored with the “Chairman’s Award”, the most prestigious award in FIRST Robotics, for the fourth time in their history. Students from Da Vinci Science, Da Vinci Design, Da Vinci Communications, and Da Vinci Connect High participate together on one team. >> MORE

Youth & Government
Y&G is a signature program at Da Vinci Science. Every year, delegates from diverse backgrounds across the state participate in three major conferences during which they debate policies, discuss national and international issues, and learn about the government. This is powered by the YMCA’s Mock Legislature & Court (MLC) program. During the 2018-19 school year, the bill the Da Vinci delegation chose to send to Sacramento was one that would ban plastic straws and issue alternative straws to all Californians. >> MORE