Part 2: Aligning Our Curriculum from K-Career
Who better to teach us how to prepare students for the real world than working professionals? Da Vinci engages with professional partners in various ways to ensure our students are prepared with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in college and the workforce.
One of the ways we seek to align our curriculum to workforce skills is through Career and Technical Education (CTE) Advisory Boards comprised of local industry and community professionals, college partners, workforce development leaders, teachers, administrators, students, parents, and other stakeholders. The purpose of CTE Advisory Boards is to help educators in developing and supporting career technical education programs to ensure students are prepared for the world of work.
Spring semester kicked off with a Da Vinci Design CTE Advisory Board brainstorm session about the use of portfolios–both in careers and in high school. Participants included the Dean of Enrollment at OTIS College of Art and Design, Principal Design Director at Gensler, and Chief Innovation Officer from Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. The team explored portfolio needs and how to implement a workforce-aligned portfolio system for all DVD students. Through portfolios, students will get comfortable documenting and capturing their personal story while developing portfolios that can be used to attain internships, jobs, and college acceptances. We look forward to sharing the progress and eventual product with you!
Da Vinci is very fortunate to receive state CTE funding for our 10 career pathways at Da Vinci Communications, Da Vinci Design, and Da Vinci Science: Computer Science (DVC), Strategic Communications (DVC), Journalism (DVC), Music and Media Production (DVC); Architecture (DVD), Graphic Design (DVD), Entrepreneurship (DVD); Mechanical Engineering (DVS), Civil Engineering (DVS), Biomedical Engineering (DVS). At Da Vinci Schools, students prepare for college completion and careers simultaneously.
On March 6, Da Vinci Connect and Da Vinci Extension staff will come together to collaborate with Da Vinci professional partners in an industry brainstorm session. Industry professionals will answer questions about what they wish they had been taught in school and the skills they use in their current job. A Q&A will follow with a focus on the soft skills that students need to succeed in the workplace.
We are deeply grateful for the leadership and engagement of our many industry, higher education and nonprofit partners. Together, we are preparing a new generation to lead, innovate and thrive in the modern world.