

Homecoming with Purpose: Da Vinci Alumni Return to Inspire and Share Their Journey

Close to 200 Da Vinci alumni returned to our campuses in January to reconnect, socialize, and participate in panel discussions to contribute to the growth of our schools.

Over the course of this month, alumni from Da Vinci Communications, Da Vinci Design, Da Vinci RISE, and Da Vinci Science attended luncheons and panel discussions sharing their experiences with fellow alumni, current students, and staff. A particular focus of the alumni events were thoughtful discussions with current faculty and staff to identify specific learnings and experiences at Da Vinci that have shaped alumni success, as well as to identify specific ways to improve our current programming.

Benefits of a Da Vinci Education
At this month’s alumni panels at Da Vinci Communications, Da Vinci Design, and Da Vinci Science, almost every alumni shared that the #1 skill that prepared them for life after Da Vinci were the public speaking and presentation skills that they learned while doing presentations of learning (POLs). A signature practice at all Da Vinci schools from TK-12, POLs are a cornerstone of Da Vinci’s educational philosophy. POLs empower students to take ownership of their learning by publicly reflecting on their growth and presenting their work to their peers, teachers, families, and community members. This process not only strengthens students’ presentation and public speaking skills but also nurtures self-reflection, critical thinking, and community engagement - key skills highly valued by employers.

According to a recent study by the American Association of Colleges and Universities, good oral communication skills got the #1 slot among the 15 job skills that executives and hiring managers identified as very important in new hires. Eight in 10 executives and 9 in 10 hiring managers said recent college graduates really need good speaking skills when they come looking for jobs.

Here is what alumni at Da Vinci Communications, Da Vinci Design, and Da Vinci Science had to say about the benefits of a Da Vinci education:

“I’m a lot more confident talking in a crowd.”

“Da Vinci Design really prepared me with the ability to present and articulate, to have really good conversations with adults, and to make meaningful connections.”

“POLs helped me learn how to present, conduct research, be more disciplined, and to manage stress.”

Several alumni also shared that they valued the care and culture that the teachers created.

“All of our teachers were very excited to be with us every day and to try to make learning exciting. That really helped me engage with school.”

“I really built my confidence at Da Vinci. The teachers are your biggest supporters. I wish I had more courage, but it was built here.”

The DVC, DVD and DVS graduates also spoke about their appreciation for gaining career skills using industry-specific software such as SketchUp, Revit, Scratch, and more. Many also expressed their gratitude for the valuable experiences they gained by connecting with diverse groups of people, spanning different ages, backgrounds, and personalities.

At Da Vinci RISE’s inaugural alumni event, the focus was on highlighting the voices of alumni, their perspectives, and how RISE could continue to build, evolve and strengthen its model to empower and impact more communities. “There is a network of support at RISE that you are always connected to," Principal Naomi Lara told the alumni during her welcome. “You have a lot of life wisdom. Don’t ever sell yourself short. Once you’re a RISE revolutionary, you’re always a RISE revolutionary,” she continued.

Several Da Vinci RISE graduates shared about the personal disruptions in their lives that led them to RISE, and how much RISE has offered them in the form of a safe place; caring, personalized support; resources; engaging learning experiences; and opportunities.

“I was very troubled before RISE and didn’t think I would be able to get my high school diploma,” shared a 2021 graduate whose future ambitions are to become an attorney. “At RISE, I was able to work at my own pace. I told my story, and I was not judged. I felt seen for the very first time. RISE welcomed me and my young child with a pure open heart. Naomi gave me the strength to not be embarrassed. RISE has been my safe haven,” she continued.


Alumni from Da Vinci Design, Communications, and Science made recommendations that included: provide more networking and internship opportunities, more financial literacy, and a greater focus on academic writing in preparation for college.

RISE alumni shared that RISE could improve its programming by offering more college exposure, college workshops, and college visits. Alumni also suggested that RISE could do additional outreach to reach more students across the region who need RISE’s personalized learning and wraparound support model. 

Advice to Younger Selves
Alumni were asked, ‘If you could give your high school self one piece of advice, what would it be?’ Here are some of the insights they shared:

“Branch out and try everything, don’t let fear stop you.”

“Fear and change can be a good thing.”

“The only way to grow is to take risks.”

“Put others before yourself.”

“Step out of your comfort zone, you might discover something new about yourself, be open to every opportunity.”

“Love yourself.”

“Take care of your mental health for yourself and for the others around you.”

“Look for that safe space and push through.”

“Be outgoing. Do as much as possible”

“Savor every second in high school. Don’t let it pass you by too quickly.”

We want to extend a special thank you to all our alumni who came back to speak about life after Da Vinci. It was wonderful to welcome these special students back to our schools. We are so grateful for how they are giving back by sharing their experiences with our students and staff. Da Vinci Connect High will host its inaugural alumni event in March. 

Da Vinci Schools has graduated 3,967 students since our inception! We are so proud of our Da Vinci alumni who are excelling in college, career and life.

Da Vinci alumni, please join our LinkedIn Alumni group to share your latest news with us!

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