Gloria White first joined the Da Vinci family in 2012 while she was attending a Master’s program at UCLA, and returned to currently serve as Director of Data & Accountability. She began her educational career as an English teacher after graduating with a B.A. in English Literature with an emphasis on Anglophone and Multicultural Literature from UC Berkeley, and completing her Single Subject Teaching Credential at CSU Monterey Bay. Her passion to ensure that underserved students had the opportunity to attend and graduate from college inspired her to become a high school Counselor and Head Counselor at a charter high school with a college going focus where her work helped the four-year college acceptance rate move from 35% to 95% in the eight years that she was there. She completed her M.Ed in Educational Leadership and Tier I Administrative credential at the Principal Leadership Institute at UCLA, where her studies focused on socially just and progressive school practices, and then became an Assistant Principal for two years prior to rejoining the Da Vinci family in her current position. She enjoys life to its fullest with her husband, three children, and two dogs at every possible turn.