Winter 2022
Our schools are open for in-person learning. For the latest updates, please visit our COVID-19 Hub.
Archived Updates
Free COVID-19 Vaccine & Booster Shots Available at Dana on Jan. 14 (1.10.22)
Return to School Update (1.7.22)
Reminder: At-Home COVID Test Pick-Up Event - Jan. 6 & 7 (1.6.22)
Updated COVID-19 Info for Our Return to School on January 10, 2022 (1.4.22)
Return to School Update (1.7.22)
Reminder: At-Home COVID Test Pick-Up Event - Jan. 6 & 7 (1.6.22)
Updated COVID-19 Info for Our Return to School on January 10, 2022 (1.4.22)
Holiday COVID Guidance & Testing (12.22.21)
Visitor Policy (11.9.21)
News About Governor's Announcement Regarding Vaccine Mandate Sometime in 2022 (10.2.21)
Welcome Back Message (8.13.21)
Returning Students to Campus Update (7.30.21)
Reopening Update (4.22.21)
Procedures for Returning to Campus (Apr-June 2021)
Video / Slide Deck / Facilitron Instructions
Return to Campus Update (3.30.21)
Reopening Update Following Board of Trustees Meeting (3.26.21)
Reopening Update (3.20.21)
Phase II Reopening Info Meeting Presentations & Slide Decks
Dear Da Vinci Families,
I am writing to follow up on the Phase II Reopening Plan that was approved by the Da Vinci Schools Board of Trustees on March 10th. While the central office team and site leaders have received many emails of support and understanding, the Da Vinci Schools Board of Trustees and I have also received about 30 emails, social media posts, and a petition from individuals/families expressing concerns that we’re not doing enough to get students back onto our campuses.
First, I want to acknowledge the profound sense of disappointment that many of you are feeling. While I believe the decision to wait on bringing students back until all teachers and staff have the opportunity to be fully vaccinated, to feel safe, and to solve their own complex challenges at home is the correct one, this does not diminish the sense of loss and frustration that some of you may be feeling.
We ask that you be patient and wait until you have all of the information about the reopening plans at your child/ren’s Da Vinci school(s) which are being shared this week at site-specific information meetings (see links below). The information meetings are being recorded for future viewing and are being made available on our website.
Our goal is to maximize the number, frequency and value of on-campus experiences for all students, while prioritizing our highest need students for whom distance learning is not working in accordance with our state-mandated school site plans.
Each school’s plan will look different because each has its own staffing and unique needs. We believe that teachers and site administrators are best equipped to design their school-wide programs, with input and approval from senior leadership and the Board. When possible, on-campus activities will be coordinated and consistent across our schools. Families will be surveyed again this week after hearing the school-specific Phase II reopening plans, and this feedback will be brought to the Board on March 25, 2021 (time TBA). You can send additional questions and comments directly to school leaders, and send and/or make a public comment at the March 25th board meeting.
As I noted in my March 12th update, each site will be contacting the families of students over the next week to invite students to return for some on-campus activities as early as April 12, 2021. We anticipate this process will take a number of days based on individual student and family preference to return to campus. These services may include academic support, grade level connections, supervised work stations, individual meetings with counselors, and targeted interventions. Students/families who wish to stay remote may continue with full distance learning for the remainder of the school year.
COVID-19 has proven to be a formidable adversary with county, state and federal guidelines changing almost daily. The logistical challenges for grades 7-12 are especially challenging. Like our neighboring districts, Da Vinci is providing more details everyday in the hopes of bringing back as many students as possible for the remainder of the 2020-21 school year, based on available staffing and social distancing requirements.
We are making great progress! While our points of view may differ and are open to debate, I ask everyone to commit to the values of assuming positive intentions, and being kind, helpful and specific in your comments and correspondence. The Da Vinci trustees and I value all feedback.
As always, you can find the latest news and updates, FAQs, resources, recordings, and more on our COVID-19 planning webpage. To keep our students and staff safe on all of our campuses, our COVID-19 Compliance Team has been adding outdoor tents, plexiglass barriers, new signage, creating marked traffic patterns, developing protocols for reporting and tracking COVID-19, and much more. You can read more about our COVID-19 Prevention & Safety Plan here.
Thank you for your support, questions and concerns. I am deeply grateful to our school site leaders, staff and central office team who are working so hard to serve our students well.
Upcoming Information Meetings (all Wednesday, March 17)
Da Vinci Science @ 5:00PM / Zoom Link:
Da Vinci Communications @ 6:00PM / Zoom Link:
Da Vinci Design @ 7:00PM – NEW TIME / Zoom Link:
Recorded Information Meetings
Da Vinci Connect TK-8 (password is Dsk26W#!)
Da Vinci Connect High School (password is et!$9*Zr)
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Estimadas familias de Da Vinci,
Le escribo para dar seguimiento al Plan de Reapertura de la Fase II que fue aprobado por la junta directiva de las Escuelas Da Vinci el 10 de marzo. Si bien el equipo de la oficina central y los líderes de los sitios han recibido muchos correos electrónicos de apoyo y comprensión, la junta directiva de las Escuelas Da Vinci y yo también hemos recibido alrededor de 30 correos electrónicos, publicaciones en las redes sociales y una petición de personas / familias que expresan su preocupación que no estamos haciendo lo suficiente para que los estudiantes regresen a nuestros campus.
Primero, quiero reconocer el profundo sentimiento de decepción que muchos de ustedes están sintiendo. Si bien creo que la decisión de esperar para traer a los estudiantes de regreso hasta que todos los maestros y el personal tengan la oportunidad de estar completamente vacunados, sentirse seguros y resolver sus propios desafíos complejos en casa es la correcta, esto no disminuye la sensación de pérdida y frustración que algunos de ustedes pueden estar sintiendo.
Le pedimos que tenga paciencia y espere hasta que tenga toda la información sobre los planes de reapertura en la (s) escuela (s) Da Vinci de su hijo / s que se están compartiendo esta semana en reuniones de información específicas del sitio (vea los enlaces a continuación). Las reuniones de información se están grabando para verlas en el futuro y están disponibles en nuestra página de web.
Nuestro objetivo es maximizar el número, la frecuencia y el valor de las experiencias en el campus para todos los estudiantes, al mismo tiempo que damos prioridad a nuestros estudiantes con mayor necesidad para quienes el aprendizaje a distancia no funciona de acuerdo con los planes escolares obligatorios del estado.
El plan de cada escuela se verá diferente porque cada uno tiene su propio personal y necesidades únicas. Creemos que los maestros y los administradores del sitio están mejor equipados para diseñar sus programas para toda la escuela, con el apoyo y la aprobación de nuestros líderes y la junta directiva. Cuando sea posible, las actividades en el campus serán coordinadas y coherentes en todas nuestras escuelas. Las familias serán encuestadas nuevamente esta semana después de escuchar los planes de reapertura de la Fase II específicos de la escuela, y estos planes se presentarán a la Junta el 25 de marzo de 2021 (hora todavía no confirmada). Puede enviar preguntas y comentarios adicionales directamente a los líderes escolares y enviar y / o hacer un comentario público en la reunión de la junta del 25 de marzo.
Como se mencionó en mi actualización del 12 de marzo, cada sitio se pondrá en contacto con las familias de los estudiantes durante la próxima semana para invitar a los estudiantes a regresar para algunas actividades en el campus a partir del 12 de abril de 2021. Anticipamos que este proceso tomará varios días basados en la preferencia individual del estudiante y la familia para regresar al campus. Estos servicios pueden incluir apoyo académico, conexiones de nivel de grado, estaciones de trabajo supervisadas, reuniones individuales con consejeros e intervenciones específicas. Los estudiantes / familias que deseen permanecer alejados pueden continuar con el aprendizaje a distancia completo durante el resto del año escolar.
COVID-19 ha demostrado ser un adversario formidable con las pautas federales, estatales y del condado que cambian diariamente. Los desafíos logísticos para los grados 7-12 son especialmente desafiantes. Al igual que los distritos vecinos, Da Vinci proporciona más detalles todos los días con la esperanza de traer de regreso a tantos estudiantes como sea posible para el resto del año escolar 2020-21, según los requisitos de personal disponible y distanciamiento social.
¡Estamos haciendo un gran progreso! Puede ser que nuestros puntos de vista pueden diferir y están abiertos a debate, les pido a todos que se comprometan con los valores de asumir intenciones positivas y ser amables, serviciales y específicos en sus comentarios y correspondencia. La junta directiva de Da Vinci y yo valoramos todos los comentarios.
Como siempre, puede encontrar las últimas noticias y actualizaciones, preguntas frecuentes, recursos, grabaciones y más en nuestra página web de planificación de COVID-19. Para mantener seguros a nuestros estudiantes y personal en todos nuestros campus, nuestro Equipo de Cumplimiento de COVID-19 ha estado agregando carpas al aire libre, barreras de plexiglás, nueva señalización, creando patrones de tráfico marcados, desarrollando protocolos para informar y rastrear COVID-19, y mucho más. Puede leer más sobre nuestro Plan de seguridad y prevención de COVID-19 aquí.
Gracias por su apoyo, preguntas e inquietudes. Estoy profundamente agradecido con los líderes de nuestras escuelas, el personal y el equipo de la oficina central que están trabajando duro para servir bien a nuestros estudiantes.
Próximas reuniones de información (todo el miércoles 17 de marzo)
Da Vinci Science @ 5:00PM / Zoom Link:
Da Vinci Communications @ 6:00PM / Zoom Link:
Da Vinci Design @ 7:00PM – NEW TIME / Zoom Link:
Reuniones informativas grabadas
Da Vinci Connect TK-8 (contraseña es: Dsk26W#!)
Da Vinci Connect High School (contraseña es: et!$9*Zr)
Dear Da Vinci Familes,
Thank you to those of you who attended Wednesday’s Board meeting where we presented our Phase II re-opening plan. I am writing to follow up with a summary of important dates as we approach April 12th, the week we will begin bringing students back to campus. The graphic below provides a broad overview of our April 12th partial return plan:

Each school will provide specific program information on the dates below:

Information Meetings: Each site will send out Zoom information to hold meetings to provide specific information to families regarding activities and programs that will be available to students. When the sites share their specific plans, all families will have the opportunity to consider selecting the offered on-campus engagement opportunities for their child(ren).
Notification Begins: On 3/22, sites will begin contacting the families of students to participate in on-campus activities as early as 4/12. We anticipate this process will take a number of days based on individual student and family preference to return to campus, along with available staffing. Phase II begins for a partial return of students and staff on April 12th.
Athletics: Information on Athletics, March - June, can be found on our website:
Graduation Ceremonies: Additional important dates include the following graduation ceremonies.
In-person graduation in the gym at 201 N. Douglas Street in small group ceremonies at 10am, 1pm, and 4pm on the following dates:
DV Science: Wednesday 6/2 & Thursday 6/3
DV Design: Friday 6/4 & Monday 6/7
DV Communications: Tuesday 6/8 & Wednesday 6/9
DV Connect K-8: Thursday 6/10 - Time TBA
We look forward to seeing our students back on campus for a partial return starting April 12th.
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Estimadas familias y amigos de Da Vinci:
Gracias a aquellos de ustedes que asistieron a la reunión de la Junta del miércoles, donde presentamos nuestro plan de reapertura de la Fase II. Les escribo para continuar con un resumen de las fechas importantes a medida que nos acercamos al 12 de abril, la semana en que comenzaremos a traer estudiantes de regreso al campus. El gráfico a continuación proporciona una descripción general amplia de nuestro plan de devolución parcial del 12 de abril:

Cada escuela proporcionará información específica del programa en las fechas siguientes:

Juntas de información: Cada sitio enviará información de Zoom para realizar reuniones para brindar información específica a las familias sobre las actividades y programas que estarán disponibles para los estudiantes. Cuando los sitios compartan sus planes específicos, todas las familias tendrán la oportunidad de considerar seleccionar las oportunidades de participación en el campus que se ofrecen para sus hijos.
Comienza la notificación: El 22 de marzo, los sitios comenzarán a comunicarse con las familias de los estudiantes para participar en las actividades del campus a partir del 12 de abril. Anticipamos que este proceso tomará varios días según la preferencia individual del estudiante y la familia para regresar al campus, junto con el personal disponible. La Fase II comienza para un regreso parcial de estudiantes y personal el 12 de abril.
Atletismo: Puede encontrar información sobre atletismo, de marzo a junio, en nuestro sitio web:
Ceremonias de graduación: Otras fechas importantes incluyen las siguientes ceremonias de graduación.
Graduación en persona en el gimnasio en 201 N.Douglas Street en ceremonias de grupos pequeños a las 10 a.m., 1 p.m. y 4 p.m. en las siguientes fechas:
DV Science: Miercoles 6/2 & Jueves 6/3
DV Design: Viernes 6/4 & Lunes 6/7
DV Communications: Martes 6/8 & Miercoles 6/9
DV Connect K-8: Jueves 6/10 - Hora TBA
Esperamos ver a nuestros estudiantes de regreso en el campus para un regreso parcial a partir del 12 de abril.
Con agradecimiento,
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
Dear Da Vinci Families,
We are writing to update you on our planning and timeline for a return to campuses and to invite you to a Virtual Town Hall meeting on March 2 to solicit your feedback. There is a lot of information being reported in the news media about Federal, State and County guidance that is sometimes confusing and conflicting. Our ability to offer a phased-in reopening plan varies by grade level, staffing and student needs, and is contingent upon highly specific County restrictions. For LA County, the infection rates remain in the widespread Purple Tier so that we are not currently allowed to open for grades 7-12.
The process and timeline described below provide an overview of our decision-making process and next steps.
- In December, we communicated with families that we did not anticipate returning to on-campus instruction until April 12, 2021 at the earliest, pending guidance from state and local health officials. This still holds true. We will not return to campus until at least April 12, 2021 except for limited special education assessments and services for severely at-risk youth at Da Vinci RISE High School.
- On February 25th, Da Vinci staff will have an opportunity to attend a staff Virtual Town Hall event to share their thoughts on returning to campus this school year (April 12-June 9th). The Town Hall will be recorded and sent to all staff. Additionally, a survey will go out to all Da Vinci staff members following the staff Town Hall to gather their feedback.
- On Tuesday, March 2 at 6:30PM, we invite Da Vinci parents/guardians and community members to attend a Virtual Town Hall meeting (Zoom Link: to discuss the steps being taken for a phased-in return to campus between April 12th-June 9th. Speaking at the Virtual Town Hall on March 2nd will be Dr. Jennifer Hawn, Chief Operating Officer; Dr. Emily Green, School Nurse; Vicente Bravo, Chief Administrative Officer, along with myself. We will provide an update on our COVID-19 safety plan, discuss timelines, solicit feedback from families, and answer as many questions as we can. The Town Hall will be recorded and posted on our website. Because a Town Hall via Zoom may make it challenging to respond to everyone’s questions, we will also provide a Padlet to capture your thoughts, and request that you complete a survey that will be sent out on March 3.
- We will also collect student input from each school over the next couple of weeks during the school day.
- Unredacted feedback from the staff and family Town Hall meetings, surveys, and student input will be shared at the March 10th Special Board Meeting of the Da Vinci Schools Board of Trustees, along with a recommendation for a phased-in approach to return to our campuses. Our board’s decision on the phased-in return to our campuses will be communicated shortly after the Special Board Meeting via Constant Contact and our school blogs. You may always check our COVID-19 Planning webpage that is continuously updated. Our plan for Summer and Fall 2021 will depend on Los Angeles County’s state tier assignment under the state’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy. The tier assignment is the primary determinant of which activities are permitted and/or restricted. As Los Angeles continues its vaccination and mitigation efforts, we are tracking the progress and planning how to expand our offerings accordingly. An update regarding Summer and Fall planning will be sent later in the Spring.
Da Vinci Schools continue to prioritize public health and well being, equitable access to education, and high quality instruction and student support, in all of our planning.
Teaching and learning during the pandemic has not been easy on anyone, and we all look forward to returning back together on campus as soon as possible. That said, I hope you will join me to give our teachers, staff and administrators a standing ovation for their exceptional pivot to all-remote teaching and support.
Let’s all continue to stay as safe as possible. I look forward to seeing and hearing from you.
Virtual Town Hall for Families
March 2, 2021 | 6:30PM
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 957 4305 2884
1 (669) 900 6833
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Ayuntamiento Virtual Para Familias
(2 de marzo a las 6:30 p.m.)
Estimadas Familias y Amigos de Da Vinci:
Le escribimos para informarle sobre nuestra planificación y cronología para el regreso a las escuelas, y para invitarle a una reunión, el Ayuntamiento Virtual el 2 de marzo, para solicitar sus comentarios. En los medios de comunicación hay mucha información sobre la orientación federal, estatal y del condado que a veces es confusa y conflictiva. Nuestra capacidad para ofrecer un plan de reapertura escalonada (en fases) varía según el nivel de grado, el personal escolar y las necesidades de los estudiantes, y depende de restricciones muy específicas del Condado. Para el condado de Los Ángeles, las tasas de infección permanecen en el nivel púrpura generalizado, por lo que actualmente no se nos permite abrir para los grados 7-12.
El proceso y la cronología que se describen a continuación proveen una descripción general de nuestro proceso de toma de decisiones y los próximos pasos.
- En diciembre, comunicamos a nuestras familias que no anticipábamos regresar a la instrucción en las escuelas hasta el 12 de abril de 2021 como muy pronto, pendiente de la orientación de los funcionarios de salud estatales y locales. Esto sigue siendo cierto. No regresaremos a las escuelas antes del 12 de abril de 2021, excepto para evaluaciones limitadas de estudiantes de educación especial y para jóvenes en grave riesgo académico en la escuela secundaria Da Vinci RISE.
- El 25 de febrero, el personal de Da Vinci tendrá la oportunidad de asistir a un Ayuntamiento Virtual Para el Personal para compartir sus pensamientos sobre el regreso a las escuelas este año escolar (del 12 de abril al 9 de junio). El Ayuntamiento será grabado y enviado a todo el personal. Además, se enviará una encuesta a todos los miembros del personal de Da Vinci después del Ayuntamiento Para el Personal para recopilar sus comentarios.
- El martes 2 de marzo a las 6:30 p.m., invitamos a los padres / tutores y miembros de la comunidad de Da Vinci a asistir al Ayuntamiento Virtual (Enlace de Zoom: para discutir los pasos que estamos tomado para un regreso escalonado (en fases) a las escuelas entre el 12 de abril y el 9 de junio. Durante el Ayuntamiento Virtual el 2 de marzo presentarán la Dra. Jennifer Hawn, Directora de Operaciones; Dra. Emily Green, enfermera de la escuela; Vicente Bravo, Director Administrativo, junto conmigo. Proporcionaremos una actualización sobre nuestro plan de seguridad COVID-19, discutiremos la cronología, solicitaremos comentarios de las familias y responderemos a tantas preguntas como sea posible. El Ayuntamiento se grabará y publicará en nuestro sitio web. Debido a que un Ayuntamiento a través de Zoom puede dificultar la respuesta a las preguntas de todos, también proporcionaremos un Padlet para capturar sus pensamientos y solicitaremos que complete una encuesta que se enviará el 3 de marzo.
- También recopilaremos las opiniones de los estudiantes de cada escuela durante las próximas semanas durante el día escolar.
- Los comentarios no redactados del personal y las reuniones familiares del ayuntamiento, las encuestas y las opiniones de los estudiantes se compartirán en la reunión especial del 10 de marzo de la Junta Directiva de las Escuelas Da Vinci, junto con una recomendación para un enfoque escalonado (en fases) para regresar a nuestras escuelas. La decisión de nuestra junta directiva sobre el regreso escalonado (en fases) a nuestras escuelas se comunicará poco después de la reunión especial de la junta directiva a través de Constant Contact y nuestros blogs escolares. Siempre puede consultar nuestra página web de planificación COVID-19 que se actualiza continuamente. Nuestro plan para el verano y el otoño de 2021 dependerá de la asignación de nivel estatal del condado de Los Ángeles según el Plan Estatal para una Economía Más Segura. La asignación de nivel es el principal determinante de qué actividades están permitidas y/o restringidas. A medida que Los Ángeles continúa con sus esfuerzos de vacunación y mitigación, estamos pendientes del progreso y planificando cómo expandir nuestras ofertas respectivamente. Una actualización sobre la planificación de verano y otoño se proporcionará más tarde en la primavera.
Las escuelas Da Vinci continúan priorizando la salud pública y el bienestar, el acceso equitativo a la educación, la instrucción de alta calidad y el apoyo a los estudiantes en toda nuestra planificación.
Enseñar y aprender durante la pandemia no ha sido fácil para nadie, y todos esperamos volver juntos a las escuelas lo más antes posible. Dicho esto, espero que se unan a mí para brindarles a nuestros maestros, personal y administradores una ovación de pie por su excepcional giro hacia la enseñanza y el apoyo a distancia.
Sigamos manteniéndonos lo más seguros posible. Espero verle y escucharle.
Con gratitud,
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
CEO / Superintendente
Escuelas Da Vinci
Ayuntamiento Virtual Para Familias
2 de marzo de 2021 | 6:30 PM
Enlace de zoom:
ID de reunión: 957 4305 2884
1 (669) 900 6833
Dear Da Vinci Families and Friends,
To help our students, families and staff plan for the future, I am writing to update you about our plans for Winter 2021 instruction. In a prior communication, I shared that we did not see a return to on-campus instruction before the second semester (January 2021) at the earliest.
I can imagine that many of you are following the news on the rapid rise in Coronavirus statistics, with case rates surging to the highest rates in California since the pandemic began. On December 3, Governor Newsom announced a new “regional” stay-at-home order, the most restrictive order yet since the original stay-at-home order in March. On December 9, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health issued a Revised Temporary, Targeted Safer at Home Health Officer Order for Control of COVID-19. This order directs residents to limit contact to one’s immediate household and remain at home as much as possible. Although the order is temporary through December 27th, the surge in Coronavirus cases suggests that we may see continued restrictions in the near future. While I would imagine most of us are highly desirous of returning to our school campuses at the earliest possible date, it is critical that we only do this when it is safe to do so.
Winter Instruction
Da Vinci Schools will continue to align with county and state guidelines and to prioritize public health and well being, equitable access to education, and high quality instruction and student support, in all of our planning.
To ensure the safety of our staff and students, Da Vinci Schools will continue with remote instruction through at least April 9th, which takes us through the Spring Vacation break. Only staff who are engaged in essential operations will be permitted on our campuses at this time, unless with the pre-approval of administrators.
Simultaneously, our COVID Compliance Team is preparing for a safe return to on-campus instruction. All campuses will have plexiglass barriers, personal protective equipment (PPE), increased cleaning, additional signage, protocols for reporting and tracking COVID-19, and much more.
I suspect that many of you are feeling the impact of this pandemic. This is not how we imagined this academic year would look. I could not be more grateful for our entire Da Vinci community for supporting students' needs for learning, connection, and social-emotional wellness during this unique time. Just as expected, you have shown resilience, creativity, care and compassion for one another. With hopeful news of vaccines on the horizon, we are one step closer to our goal of providing on-campus instruction.
You can always find our latest news and updates on our COVID-19 landing page. As soon as we can, we will provide additional updates. Until then, stay safe, stay well, and stay connected. I look forward to seeing you all soon.
With gratitude,
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
Dear Da Vinci Families,
I hope this email finds you and your family healthy and well.
I am writing to update you on our planning related to Phase 3 of our Phased-In Hybrid Reopening Plan. We had scheduled October 5th for a potential increase in on-campus instruction and activities that would be difficult or inequitable if delivered at home. However, Los Angeles County is currently in the “purple” tier for reopening, which indicates widespread COVID-19 infection, according to California’s Blueprint for safety.
We continue to receive direction and information from state and local authorities, and most specifically from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. At present, we do not see a return to on-campus instruction before the second semester (January 2021) at the earliest.
Da Vinci’s COVID-19 Compliance Team continues to monitor information for future on-campus services and instruction; however, we will remain in remote instruction until further notice.
Prioritizing the health and safety of our community is our top priority. We will continue to update you as we receive further guidance and direction from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. We can appreciate the concern and stress that this pandemic has had on our students, families and staff, and we want to assure you that we will do everything possible to keep you informed.
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Dear Da Vinci Families,
I am writing to update you on our timeline and process related to reopening our Da Vinci schools for on-campus instruction. To begin, I want to emphasize that there is no on-campus instruction until the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health advises that it is safe to consider a return. Currently, we are working within a Board-approved Phased-In Hybrid Plan that has all remote instruction through August 31st.
Starting September 1st (Phase 2), some special education assessments will be conducted, which is the only L.A. County Department of Public Health-approved “essential service” at this time.
We have scheduled October 5th (Phase 3) for a potential increase in on-campus instruction and activities that are difficult or inequitable if delivered at home; however, we are reviewing public health guidance and will update families in mid-September regarding any changes to the schedule. Until then, we will continue with remote instruction.
As shared previously, all phases will be offered if, and only if, it is safe to do so based on guidance from State and local public health officials. The health and safety of our entire Da Vinci community, our student needs, and optimizing our learning environment to equitably serve all students well are at the forefront of our decision-making.
Extensive Planning and Preparation
We have been working on health and safety protocols to ensure staff, student and family safety when on campus for special education assessments. These protocols are part of a comprehensive approach to preventing and containing the spread of COVID-19 in Da Vinci schools. We continue to monitor guidance from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and other local and state officials who suggest a structured approach to reopening. We will do what is best for our students, families and staff at all times.
As our schools wrap up the first few weeks of the 2020-21 school year, I am deeply proud of the academic and social emotional learning, connection, and innovation taking place at all of our schools. I truly believe our Da Vinci family will emerge even stronger.
Stay safe, stay well, and stay connected.
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Información importante sobre la reapertura 2020-21
Estimadas familias de Da Vinci,
Les escribo para informarles sobre nuestra cronología y el proceso relacionado con la reapertura de nuestras escuelas Da Vinci para la instrucción en el campus. Para comenzar, quiero enfatizar que no habrá instrucción en el campus hasta que el Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado de Los Ángeles nos informe que es seguro considerar un regreso al campus. Actualmente, estamos trabajando dentro de un Plan Híbrido En Fase aprobado por la Junta que mantiene toda la instrucción remota hasta el 31 de agosto.
A partir del 1 de septiembre (Fase 2), se realizarán algunas evaluaciones de educación especial, que es el único “servicio esencial” aprobado por el Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado de L.A. en este momento.
Hemos programado el 5 de octubre (Fase 3) para un posible aumento en la instrucción y actividades en el campus que son difíciles o no equitativas cuando se imparten en casa; sin embargo, estamos revisando la guía de salud pública y actualizaremos a las familias a mediados de septiembre sobre cualquier cambio en el horario. Hasta entonces, continuaremos con la instrucción remota.
Como se compartió anteriormente, todas las fases se ofrecerán si, y solo si, es seguro hacerlo según la orientación de los funcionarios de salud pública estatales y locales. La salud y seguridad de toda nuestra comunidad Da Vinci, las necesidades de nuestros estudiantes y la optimización de nuestro entorno de aprendizaje para servir de manera equitativa a todos los estudiantes están a la vanguardia de nuestra toma de decisiones.
Amplia planificación y preparación
Hemos estado preparando protocolos de salud y seguridad para asegurar la seguridad del personal, los estudiantes y las familias cuando estén en el campus para las evaluaciones de educación especial. Estos protocolos son parte de un enfoque integral para prevenir y contener la propagación de COVID-19 en las escuelas Da Vinci. Continuamos monitoreando la guía del Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado de Los Ángeles y otros funcionarios locales y estatales que sugieren un enfoque estructurado para la reapertura. Haremos lo que es lo mejor para nuestros estudiantes, familias y personal en todo momento.
Ahora que nuestras escuelas concluyen las primeras semanas del año escolar 2020-21, estoy profundamente orgulloso del aprendizaje, la conexión y la innovación académica y socioemocional que han tomado lugar en todas nuestras escuelas. Realmente creo que nuestra familia Da Vinci saldrá aún más fuerte.
Manténgase seguros, manténganse bien y sigan conectados.
Con agradecimiento,
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
Director Ejecutivo
Dear Da Vinci Families,
Welcome back to Da Vinci Schools! Beginning today and over the next week, all of our Da Vinci schools will begin the new school year with full remote learning as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. This is not the fall semester that we had planned for prior to the pandemic, yet I am immensely grateful for the flexibility and resilience that you have shown throughout this time. Our faculty and staff have been working hard to prepare for the new school year. A caring, compassionate, and inclusive community awaits you!
Fall 2020 Instruction
In our July fall planning email message, we shared with you our ‘Phased-In Hybrid’ School Start Plan. All phases will be offered if, and only if, it is safe to do so based on guidance from State and local public health officials.
‘Phased-In Hybrid ‘ School Start Plan
- Phase 1 (Aug. 10 RISE / Aug. 17 - All Other DV Schools): New school year begins with All Remote Learning
- Phase 2 (Sept. 1): Essential Services provided on-campus for identified students (more info will be shared soon about what constitutes "essential services")
- Phase 3 (Oct. 5): Resume some on-campus activities that are difficult or inequitable if delivered at home
We are looking forward to a great year ahead! Our faculty and staff have been planning together to ensure we keep our students engaged, learning and connected. A major focus of our professional development time together has been on implementing best practices in remote learning, student engagement, differentiation strategies, and use of technology. Our time together also has included re-examining our practices in our ongoing commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism. > Learn more about our Solidarity Commitment.
Meal Program
Da Vinci Schools is offering “grab and go” meal pick‐up for ALL Da Vinci families. Eligible students can receive free or reduced-price meals (application info below). Students/ families may pick up both Breakfast and Lunch at either of these two locations:
Hawthorne Campus
13500 Aviation Blvd.
Hawthorne, CA 90250
Starting August 10, 2020
11:30AM ‐ 1:30PM (M-F)
Del Aire Campus
12501 Isis Street
Hawthorne, CA 90250
Starting August 17, 2020
11:30AM ‐ 1:30PM (M-F)
RISE High-New Earth students may pick up their meals at New Earth from 11:30AM-1:30 PM.
It is expected the student will be present to pick up the meals. However, a parent/guardian may pick up the meals if the student is unavailable. Please try to have your student’s ID # available. Pick up at either site Monday thru Friday. For more information, see the Resources section below or visit
Health and Safety
We are busy preparing all of our sites for everyone’s safe return. There will be new health and safety protocols and procedures in place to help us maintain a healthier and safer learning environment when we are told we can return to in-person instruction. Infection control measures will include physical distancing, frequent cleaning and disinfecting, face coverings, and more. More information will be shared in the coming weeks.
Da Vinci Resources
We recognize that during these unprecedented times it can be more challenging to connect with teachers and staff, most of whom are working from home. We want you to be engaged with our campuses, and urge you to contact faculty and staff via email for the fastest response. For those who must come to campus to drop something off, our office at 201 N. Douglas Street, El Segundo is open Monday through Friday from 8:00AM to 12:00PM, and will serve as a central drop-off for ALL Da Vinci schools. Here are some more resources that you may find helpful:
School/Department Email Contacts & In-Person Hours / [PDF version]
Updated Student Technology Quick Start Guide
Meal Program Information
New Meal Pick-Up Locations
Online Free & Reduced Meal Application -
Print Meal Application
Fall 2020 Planning
Thank you for your care, resilience, flexibility and commitment to Da Vinci Schools. We will continue to update you as more information becomes available. We are looking forward to a great year. Be safe and be well!
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Dear Da Vinci Families,
Today, the Da Vinci Schools Board of Trustees approved the Phased-In Hybrid Model for the 2020-21 School Year that I shared with you earlier this week. It is now official: we will start school in August by continuing with all-remote instruction.
Da Vinci's school start plans were reinforced by new statewide rules announced today by Gov. Gavin Newsom. Under the new mandate, schools in 32 counties, including Los Angeles, will remain physically closed when the new school year begins due to the coronavirus surge. All schools -- public and private -- in the counties being monitored for coronavirus spread will shift to full time remote learning, and will not be able to reopen until those counties see at least 14 consecutive days of declining coronavirus cases and are therefore removed from the state’s watch list.
We will continue to closely monitor the situation and update you as new information becomes available. The safety of our students, staff and families is nonnegotiable.
If you missed last night's Da Vinci Schools' Town Hall meeting, I invite you to listen to the recording and view the slide deck which are both available on our Fall 2020 Planning web page.
Thank you for your understanding, flexibility, patience and grace as we navigate these extraordinary times together.
With gratitude,
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Dear Da Vinci Families:
We all want our children/students back at school full-time, and our utmost priority is providing a safe and healthy learning environment for all staff and students. The following is a proposed plan regarding the 2020-21 phased re-opening of our schools. The proposed plan begins with all-remote learning in accordance with guidance from public health officials, recent COVID-19 data, and the need to provide as much clarity and certainty as we possibly can to all those we serve. We will be hosting a Virtual Town Hall on Thursday, July 16 at 5:30PM for anyone who wishes to discuss this proposed plan in more detail (meeting invite info below).
What We Know
Information continues to emerge that has required us to change our plans almost every week. In June, State Superintendent Tony Thurmond provided guidelines for re-opening schools, which was followed by SB 98, the new law that established accountability measures for remote learning. In particular, SB 98 requires schools to offer in person instruction “to the greatest extent possible.” Last month, it appeared that reopening our campuses using some form of a hybrid model at all DV schools was likely, and all Los Angeles County schools have been advised to plan for such. And yet, by the end of June, we could already see COVID-19 cases were surging in the County. On July 9, Mayor Eric Garcetti announced in his live broadcast that schools would not reopen until we had flattened the curve again.
This guidance coincides with Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer’s recent comments to district superintendents this week that schools should put plans in place to maintain 100% remote instruction. Moreover, the current California Department of Public Health guidance supports a phased reopening approach and has recently signaled it is unlikely to allow schools to reopen as cases are spiking. On July 11, CNN reported that an internal document from the Centers for Disease Control stated that full reopening of schools is the “highest risk” for coronavirus spread. And this week, Los Angeles County showed a 10% positive test rate, which is far above the 5% World Health Organization guidance for safe reopening of communities. L.A. Unified announced this week it will be starting the school year remote-only in August.
Perhaps needless to say, planning has been almost impossible. In an effort to accelerate toward clarity and certainty for all Da Vinci families, I am recommending a concrete plan for the first semester of the 2020-21 school year. I will be advancing the recommendations below to the Da Vinci Schools Board of Trustees at a special board meeting scheduled for this Friday, July 17 at 8:00AM. The Board will make the final decision regarding reopening plans for the 2020-21 school year.
Proposed ‘Phased-In Hybrid’ Reopening Plan
Phase 1: When Da Vinci RISE High begins the 2020-21 school year on August 10, and Da Vinci Communications, Connect/DVX, Design and Science begin on August 17, I am recommending that all schools deliver all services remotely/online. Current guidance from public health officials confirms that safety cannot be ensured at this time.
Phase 2: By Sept. 1, we will move to a ‘Phased-In Hybrid’ model with essential services being provided on campus for identified students, only if it is safe to do so, consistent with public health guidance. For example, a school may seek to deliver certain supports to students with exceptional needs in-person. These offerings will be dependent on staffing, thorough planning and development, and will only be offered if safe to do so based on guidance from public health officials.
Phase 3: Pending safety assurances and guidelines, on or about October 5, each school will determine what additional on-campus activities it will offer as part of “Phase 3” of our Hybrid Plan. Schools will provide services that are: (1) Highly difficult to offer anywhere but at school; (2) Prove inequitable if delivered at home; and (3) Essential Services, as defined in our professional development/planning.
I wish to reiterate that all phases will be offered if, and only if, it is safe to do so based on guidance from public health officials.
Planning for Remote Instruction - Phase 1
Our Da Vinci staff have been hard at work planning for fall instruction, including the survey results and stakeholder meeting input that families have provided over the last several months. We know that remote instruction poses unique challenges for some of our students, and we are developing professional development for teachers on best practices for remote learning. Discussion of expectations, technology access, training and engagement of students, support for students who may fall behind or need additional support, along with regular communication to families have already begun, and we look forward to sharing more about the development of our remote learning program.
Although we will start the school year without students at school facilities, we look forward to welcoming students via remote learning, and back to campus when it becomes safe to do so. I can imagine that many families will be disappointed to learn that we will not return to campus in August, and I will share that our DV team is right there with you. These are extraordinary times, and we are grateful for your support as we navigate a fluid situation; as we near the start of school, we look forward to sharing the details of our start to the school year. We invite you to join us at our Virtual Town Hall Meeting on July 16 at 5:30PM to learn more.
Meeting URL:
No password is needed
Meeting ID: 999 9088 6713
Or dial in: (669) 900-6833
I wish all of you a healthy, rejuvenating summer, and I look forward to reconnecting with you in August.
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Dear Da Vinci Families,
I wish everyone a good start to summer. I also recognize the challenges that so many in our community are facing. The 2019-20 school year was anything but typical. I am deeply proud of our Da Vinci community of students, families, faculty and staff who have done exceptional work to keep our students engaged, learning and connected during this challenging time.
Today, I am writing to update you about our plans for welcoming students back to our campuses in Fall 2020, informed by guidelines from the L.A. County Department of Public Health, the Los Angeles County Office of Education, the CDC, the California Department of Public Health, and the California Department of Education.
Summer Planning
Our school leaders and Central Office team are dedicating themselves to thoughtfully preparing for the reopening of our schools in Fall 2020. Our primary goals are to: (1) keep our students and faculty/staff healthy and safe; (2) bring our community together; and (3) optimize our learning environments to deliver high quality learning experiences within the required health and safety guidelines for school reopening.
Families play an important role in informing our decision-making. Organization-wide and school site surveys have been sent to all families. The org-wide survey received 538 responses and 167 parents/guardians volunteered to provide additional input to our reopening committees.
Fall Instruction
Given the information that we have at this time, we are preparing for all Da Vinci schools to re-open in mid-August in a hybrid (in-person + remote) format, within the guidelines established by county and state health officials.
We are currently planning for possible hybrid options in which students are divided into cohorts, with some instruction provided on campus, and some instruction provided remote. More details will follow in the next few weeks about potential hybrid schedules after gaining more insight from stakeholders.
We also are planning with flexibility in mind. Current plans for in-person classes in Fall may need to be adjusted or we may need to return to a 100% remote learning program should the L.A. County Department of Public Health direct us to do so. If so, Da Vinci Schools will be ready for any option, whether it is on-campus, a hybrid schedule, or a full-time remote schedule.
A full distance learning option also will be a choice for all Da Vinci students/families who, due to personal circumstances or elevated health risks associated with COVID-19, are unable to return to their school site physically for the Fall.
Planning for Healthy and Safe Campuses
Da Vinci is still developing specific protocols, but all on-campus activities will be conducted under the following health and safety guidance (contingent upon direction from the L.A. County Department of Public Health):
- Staggered start times and assigned entrances to keep students entering in a cohort made up of only their school-specific students and teachers. New drop off and pick up procedures also will keep students from congregating.
- Active and/or passive wellness screening and symptom checking will occur daily for all entering the school. Students with symptoms or fever will not be allowed to enter school.
- No large gatherings or assemblies will be held.
- Minimal use of indoor common space.
- Floor markings indicating 6 feet will be utilized at all Da Vinci facilities. Physical distancing of 6 feet or more required while in buildings/classrooms. Desks will be set up to promote distancing.
- Physical barriers will be installed (plastic/plexiglass barriers) to maintain physical distancing in places that are high-frequency areas such as front offices.
- Students and staff will be required to wear face coverings while at school.
- Increased hand sanitizer stations.
- Increased cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting.
- Staggered schedules to pick up grab-n-go style meals and go directly outdoors to designated areas with social distancing in place for lunch.
- Other health and safety guidelines that may be directed by state and local health officials.
Supporting our Community
We each have a role to play in keeping our community safe and healthy. Please protect yourself and those you interact with by wearing a face covering, practicing frequent handwashing, and honoring social distancing guidelines.
Thank you for your flexibility, patience and trust as we prepare for the safe reopening of our schools. I truly believe our Da Vinci family will continue to emerge even stronger.
With gratitude,
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
Chief Executive Officer
The Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer program, or P-EBT, is designed for students who are normally able to get free or reduced price school meals to continue to receive those benefits during the pandemic. Apply and get up to $365 per child to spend on groceries.
Children may continue to receive "grab n go" meals or emergency food at COVID-19 emergency feeding sites offered by schools and community locations, even if they are receiving P-EBT benefits.
The P-EBT Card application deadline has been extended to July 15, 2020! If you are eligible and have NOT received an P-EBT card for your child(ren), learn more or apply at
The online application is mobile phone/tablet friendly, only takes 5 minutes to complete, and is available in English, Spanish, and Chinese.
During the summer months, Da Vinci families may obtain free meals for children 18 years and younger. All sites are "drop-in" sites. Families do not need to apply, meet eligibility requirements, sign up or sign-in. For a list of food service sites, please visit:
Pick Up Free Lunch 12:00-1:00PM at Select LA County Libraries (includes Hawthorne Library)
City of Los Angeles Summer Food Service Sites [pdf]
Please note that the Wiseburn Unified School District is not serving meals during summer break.
For questions, please contact Sara Deulofeu at
Dear Da Vincians,
We want to make sure you have the resources you need during the campus closures.
Due to coronavirus (COVID 19), children who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals at school will get extra food benefits -- up to $365 per child to spend on groceries! These food benefits are called Pandemic EBT or P-EBT benefits.
Most families with children who receive CalFresh, Medi-Cal or Foster Care benefits do not need to apply. You will automatically receive your P-EBT card in the mail during the month of May.
Families with children who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals and who do NOT get CalFresh, Medi-Cal or Foster Care benefits must apply online before June 30, 2020.
The online application is mobile phone/tablet friendly, only takes 5 minutes to complete, and is available in English, Spanish, and Chinese.
Apply now through June 30th!
Have you moved recently AND do you currently receive CalFresh, CalWORKs, Medi-Cal, or Foster Care? Report your recent change of address to the hotline after May 25 at (877) 328-9677 to receive P-EBT benefits sent to your new address.
If you feel that you now qualify for free or reduced-price meals you must first apply with your student’s school. Once you are approved then you can apply for the Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) card. Please go to for instructions on how to apply for free or reduced-price meals online or download the application and submit it to or drop it off at 201 N. Douglas, El Segundo, CA 90245, on Mondays through Fridays from 8:00AM to Noon.
If you have any questions, please email Sara at
School Meal Distribution
We are continuing to distribute 'grab-and-go' meals to ALL Da Vinci students regardless of meal status.
ALL Da Vinci students from all our six schools can pick up breakfast to go and lunch to go at Dana Middle School in the Wiseburn USD. Students can pick up the two meals, breakfast and lunch, at the same time. It is expected that the student will be present to pick up the meals. However, in the event that the student is unavailable, a parent/guardian may pick up the meals on behalf of the student. Please try to have your student’s ID number available.
Dana Middle School
5504 W. 135th Street
Hawthorne, CA 90245
Monday through Friday
Between 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.
Students may continue to receive 'grab-and-go' meals even if they are receiving P-EBT benefits.
Eligible families will receive up to $365 per child
Da Vinci Schools wants to ensure our families have access to all of the resources available to support meeting the nutritional needs of children during the COVID-19 school closure. California has been approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to provide Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer (P-EBT) benefits to qualifying households with children eligible for free or reduced-price school meals.
Under this program, eligible families will receive a one-time benefit amount of up to $365 per child. P-EBT cards will be issued in the name of the child, or eldest child for families with multiple eligible children. The card can be used like a regular EBT card at grocery stores, farmers’ markets, and for online food purchases, and is valid for one year from the date of issuance. Please visit for more information on P-EBT benefits. >>Download the Flyer
Accessing this benefit varies based on how and when a child qualifies.
Most families with children who receive CalFresh, Medi-Cal or Foster Care benefits do not need to apply online. They will get their P-EBT card in the mail between May 7 -22, 2020.
Families with children who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals and who do NOT get CalFresh, Medi-Cal or Foster Care benefits must apply online before June 30, 2020.
While Da Vinci Schools does not manage this program, informing our families about this benefit during this critical time is important to us.
We wish to remind families that we are continuing to provide FREE breakfast and lunch for ALL Da Vinci students regardless of meal status. Meals can be picked up daily M-F from 10:30am to 12:30pm at Dana Middle School, located at 5504 W. 135th Street, Hawthorne, CA. The P-EBT benefit is meant to be a supplemental benefit for families.
If you have any questions, please contact Sara Deulofeu at
Frequently Asked Questions About P-EBT
What are ‘P-EBT’ or Pandemic EBT benefits?
Due to coronavirus (COVID-19), children who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals at school will get extra food benefits. These food benefits are called Pandemic EBT or P-EBT benefits. P-EBT benefits help families in California buy food when school is closed.
Who is eligible for P-EBT benefits?
Children are eligible for P-EBT benefits if:
- Their school is closed due to COVID-19; and
- They are eligible for free or reduced-price school meals
How do I get P-EBT benefits?
Most families with children who receive CalFresh, Medi-Cal or Foster Care benefits do not need to apply online. They will get their P-EBT card in the mail between May 7 - 22, 2020.
Families with children who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals and who do NOT get CalFresh, Medi-Cal or Foster Care benefits must apply online before June 30, 2020. The online application will be available beginning May 22 and can be accessed at
If I already got a P-EBT card in the mail do I need to apply online?
No. If you already got a P-EBT card in the mail do not apply online. Follow the instructions that came with your P-EBT card and create your private PIN number. Then your card will be ready to use.
What if my children are still getting school meals ‘to-go’ from another location?
Children who pick up ‘to-go‘ meals in their community are still eligible for P-EBT benefits if:
- Their school is closed due to COVID-19; and
- They are eligible for free or reduced-price school meals
How much in P-EBT benefits will I get?
You can get up to $365 for each child who is eligible for P-EBT benefits. As long as you apply before June 30th, 2020, you will get the full amount of benefits for all four months.
The total amount you will get depends on how many eligible children are living in your home. For each eligible child, your card will be paid the following each month:
March 2020: $68 per child
April 2020: $120 per child
May 2020: $120 per child
June 2020: $57 per child
This means each eligible child will get a total of up to $365 in P-EBT benefits over a four month period.
What can I buy with P-EBT benefits?
Your P-EBT benefits can buy food in most grocery stores and farmer's markets.
Use your P-EBT card like a debit card:
Select "EBT"
Swipe the card
Enter your private PIN number
When is the deadline to apply for P-EBT benefits?
You must apply by June 30, 2020 to get P-EBT benefits. P-EBT benefits are only available while schools are closed due to COVID-19. If you didn't get a P-EBT card in the mail and do not apply by June 30, 2020 you will not be able to get P-EBT benefits.
What if I applied online and haven't received my P-EBT card?
Call California's EBT customer service center at (877) 328-9677. You can reach them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
How long do I have to use my P-EBT benefits?
You can use your P-EBT benefits for one year. It starts on the date you get your P-EBT card.
If I get P-EBT benefits, will it affect my immigration status or make me a public charge?
P-EBT is a disaster emergency benefit based on free and reduced fee school meals eligibility, similar to other benefits that the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has said would not be considered for public charge purposes. However, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) can consider several factors under their public charge test.
Public charge does not apply to all immigrants. If you have questions about your immigration status and this food benefit, more information is available here, including a list of free and low-cost immigration services providers.
The website is a service delivered by Code for America on behalf of the people of California.
Dear Da Vinci Families and Friends,
As information continues to emerge regarding campus closures during the global coronavirus outbreak, I want to share the latest information. Last night, Governor Newsom shared in a press conference that students in California will not physically return to school campuses for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. LACOE Superintendent Dr. Debra Duardo also has recommended that all districts and schools in Los Angeles County plan to provide virtual learning to students through the end of the school year.
Both Da Vinci Schools and the Wiseburn Unified School District will follow the direction of our state and county leaders and will adhere to a continuation of virtual learning through the end of this school year, unless new circumstances emerge requiring a change.
While our physical school campuses are closed, our schools are open. Virtual instruction will continue for all of our students through the end of the 2019-20 school year. Our teachers, counselors, school leaders, IT team and classified staff have done exceptional work to keep our students engaged, learning and connected during this challenging time. We continue to implement best practices in distance learning while tapping into some of the country’s exemplary learning networks of which we are members, as well as to learn from our internal experts at Da Vinci Connect, DVX, and RISE who have been highly successful in blending in-person and remote learning for years.
As noted in an earlier update, we have decided to convert Monday, 4/13 and Tuesday, 4/14 (the two days following Spring Break) into Professional Development days to plan and collaborate in order to meet the needs of all of our students and families.
We understand there are many questions left unanswered and many details are still to be worked out. Over the next few weeks your school leaders will provide additional information about grading, graduations, senior activities, and more. We are committed to holding promotion and graduation ceremonies on campus/in person when it is safe to do so.
Our priority remains to do our part to protect the health and well-being of our students, staff, and the greater community. Please check our Coronavirus Updates web page for the latest information.
We also remind you that we are providing FREE breakfast and lunch for ALL Da Vinci students. Meals can be picked up daily M-F from 10:30am to 12:30pm at Dana Middle School, located at 5504 W. 135th Street, Hawthorne, CA. During Spring Break (April 6-10), meal service at Dana will be closed. Meals during Spring Break may be picked up at any Centinela Valley High School campus. For more information, please visit
We are deeply grateful for your partnership, and for all of the ways that our Da Vinci family is coming together to support one another.
Please stay safe and be well,
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Importante actualización del coronavirus: aprendizaje virtual durante el resto del año escolar (2 de abril de 2020)
Estimadas familias y amigos de Da Vinci:
A medida que continúa surgiendo información sobre el cierre de los sitios escolares durante el brote mundial de coronavirus, quiero compartir la información más reciente. Anoche, el gobernador Newsom compartió en una conferencia de prensa que los estudiantes en California no regresarán físicamente a los sitios escolares durante el resto del año escolar 2019-2020. La Superintendente de LACOE, Dra. Debra Duardo, también recomendó que todos los distritos y escuelas del Condado de Los Ángeles planeen proporcionar aprendizaje virtual a los estudiantes hasta el final del año escolar.
Tanto las Escuelas Da Vinci como el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Wiseburn seguirán la dirección de nuestros líderes estatales y del condado y se adherirán a una continuación del aprendizaje virtual hasta el final de este año escolar, a menos que surjan nuevas circunstancias que requieran un cambio.
Mientras nuestros sitios escolares están cerrados físicamente, nuestras escuelas están abiertas. La instrucción virtual continuará para todos nuestros estudiantes hasta el final del año escolar 2019-20. Nuestros maestros, consejeros, líderes escolares, equipo de tecnología y personal clasificado han hecho un trabajo excepcional para mantener a nuestros estudiantes comprometidos, aprendiendo y conectados durante este momento desafiante.
Continuamos implementando las mejores prácticas en el aprendizaje a distancia mientras aprovechamos algunas de las redes de aprendizaje ejemplares del país de las cuales somos miembros, así como también aprendemos de nuestros expertos internos en Da Vinci Connect, DVX y RISE que han tenido un gran éxito en la combinación Aprendizaje presencial y remoto durante los años.
Como les mencionamos en una actualización anterior, hemos decidido convertir el lunes 4/13 y el martes 4/14 (los dos días posteriores a las vacaciones de primavera) en días de desarrollo profesional para planificar y colaborar a fin de satisfacer las necesidades de todos nuestros estudiantes y familias.
Entendemos que quedan muchas preguntas sin responder y que aún quedan muchos detalles por resolver. Durante las próximas semanas, los líderes de su escuela proporcionarán información adicional sobre calificaciones, graduaciones, actividades para los estudiantes del grado 12 (seniors) y más. Estamos comprometidos a realizar ceremonias de promoción y graduación en el campus / en persona cuando sea seguro hacerlo.
Nuestra prioridad sigue siendo hacer nuestra parte para proteger la salud y el bienestar de nuestros estudiantes, el personal y la comunidad en general. Consulte nuestra página web de actualizaciones de Coronavirus para obtener la información más reciente.
También le recordamos que ofrecemos desayuno y almuerzo GRATUITOS para TODOS los estudiantes de Da Vinci. Las comidas se pueden recoger diariamente de lunes a viernes de 10:30 a.m. a 12:30 p.m. en la Escuela Intermedia Dana, ubicada en 5504 W. 135th Street, Hawthorne, CA. Durante las vacaciones de primavera (del 6 al 10 de abril), el servicio de comidas en Dana estará cerrado. Comidas durante las vacaciones de primavera se pueden recoger en cualquier campus de Centinela Valley. Para obtener más información, visite
Estamos profundamente agradecidos por su asociación y por todas las formas en que nuestra familia Da Vinci se une para apoyarse mutuamente.
Por favor manténgase seguro y esté bien,
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
Dear Da Vincians,
First and foremost, we want to acknowledge what an incredible community we have at Da Vinci Schools! Our campuses may be closed, but our schools are open with caring and compassionate educators delivering high quality virtual learning. We are here for you.
As we are in our third week of virtual instruction, we have some important updates to share with you about scheduling, health guidance, meal service and Spring Break. Please read this announcement in its entirety.
Virtual Instruction
We want to remind everyone that virtual learning will continue through at least May 4, 2020. However, we will be on Spring Break from April 6-10 and have PD days on April 13-14 (more info below). On-campus instruction at all Da Vinci Schools is tentatively scheduled to resume on May 5, 2020. Please check our Coronavirus Updates webpage for the latest information.
Meal Service
According to new state and federal guidelines, we are now able to offer FREE grab-and-go meals for ALL Da Vinci students during the coronavirus-related campus closures, regardless of whether your child/ren qualify for free and reduced-price meals.
It is expected that the student will be present to pick up the meals. However, in the event that the student is unavailable, a parent/guardian may pick up the meals on behalf of the student. Please try to have your student’s ID number available.
Students/families may pick up both breakfast and lunch M-F from 10:30am-12:30pm at:
Dana Middle School
5504 W. 135th Street
Hawthorne, CA 90250
We will NOT be providing meals during Spring Break (April 6-10). Instead, Da Vinci students/families may pick up meals from Hawthorne, Lawndale or Leuzinger High Schools in the Centinela Valley Union High School District on M-F from 10:30am - 1:00pm. For more information, please visit
Spring Break Schedule & PD Days
We want to remind all of our students, families and staff that we will be observing Spring Break (April 6-10). There will be no virtual instruction during this time. We ask everyone to take a well-needed break from school.
In addition, in order to provide our staff an opportunity to collaborate on best practices for virtual instruction and plan for the next few weeks, we have decided to make Monday, April 13th and Tuesday, April 14th Professional Development days. This means that students would not have any scheduled classes meeting during these first two days following Spring Break. This would also ensure that all students could take a full week off from school if they wish, using Monday and Tuesday after the break to catch up on school work if needed, as assignments would not be due until Wednesday, April 15th at the earliest.
Health Guidance
The California State Public Health Officer and Director of the California Department of Public Health is ordering all individuals living in the State of California to stay home except to get food, care for a relative or friend, get necessary health care, or go to an essential job. If you go out, keep at least 6 feet of distance.
At Da Vinci, we want to continue to provide health care updates as they become available through our local public health agencies. Please adhere to the following guidelines recommended by the Department of Public Health and Centers for Disease Control.
The COVID-19 virus has an incubation period of 2-14 days which means that anyone in close contact (close contact is defined as being within 6 feet of distance to another person for 10 minutes or longer) with an individual who has tested positive or has symptoms would need to self-quarantine for 14 days. If you are not feeling well (symptoms of COVID-19 include fever above 100.4, cough and shortness of breath), contact your physician to evaluate your symptoms and determine next steps. If you need assistance finding a medical provider or mental health services, please call 2-1-1. If your symptoms get worse (breathing, dehydration, confusion), seek prompt medical care in an emergency room. Otherwise, the treatment advice is to stay home and take self-care measures such as rest and increasing fluids.
We are deeply grateful for all of the ways that our Da Vinci family is coming together to support one another.
Stay safe and be well,
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Actualización de Coronavirus: Servicio de comidas, vacaciones de primavera y orientación sobre salud (31 de marzo de 2020)
Estimadas familias y personal de Da Vinci:
Primero y ante todo, ¡queremos reconocer la increíble comunidad que tenemos en las Escuelas Da Vinci! Nuestros campus pueden estar cerrados, pero nuestras escuelas están abiertas con educadores solidarios y compasivos que ofrecen un aprendizaje virtual de alta calidad. Estamos aquí para ustedes.
A medida que ingresamos a nuestra tercera semana de instrucción virtual, tenemos algunas actualizaciones importantes para compartir con ustedes sobre la programación, orientación de salud, servicio de comidas y vacaciones de primavera. Por favor lea este anuncio en su totalidad.
Instrucción virtual
Queremos recordarles a todos que el aprendizaje virtual continuará al menos hasta el 4 de mayo de 2020. Sin embargo, estaremos en vacaciones de primavera del 6 al 10 de abril (más información a continuación). La instrucción en el campus de todas las escuelas de Da Vinci está programada tentativamente para reanudarse el 5 de mayo de 2020. Consulte nuestra página web de actualizaciones de Coronavirus para obtener la información más reciente.
Servicio de comidas
De acuerdo con las nuevas pautas estatales y federales, ahora podemos ofrecer comidas GRATUITAS para TODOS los estudiantes de Da Vinci durante el cierre del campus relacionado con el coronavirus, sin importar si su hijo / a reúne los requisitos para recibir comidas gratuitas o de precio reducido.
Se espera que el estudiante esté presente para recoger las comidas. Sin embargo, en el caso de que el estudiante no esté disponible, un padre / tutor puede recoger las comidas en nombre del estudiante. Intente tener el número de identificación de su estudiante disponible.
Los estudiantes / familias pueden recoger el desayuno y el almuerzo de lunes a viernes de 10:30 a.m. a 12:30 p.m. en:
Dana Middle School
5504 W. 135th Street
Hawthorne, CA 90250
NO proporcionaremos comidas durante las vacaciones de primavera (del 6 al 10 de abril). En cambio, los estudiantes / familias de Da Vinci pueden recoger comidas de las escuelas secundarias Hawthorne, Lawndale o Leuzinger en el Distrito Escolar Centinela Valley Union High School de lunes a viernes de 10:30 a.m. a 1:00 p.m. Para mas información por favor visite
Horario de vacaciones de primavera y días de Desarrollo Profesional (PD)
Queremos recordar a todos nuestros estudiantes, familias y personal que nos adheriremos a las vacaciones de primavera (6-10 de abril). No habrá instrucciones virtuales durante este tiempo. Les pedimos a todos que tomen un merecido descanso de la escuela.
Además, con el fin de proporcionar a nuestro personal la oportunidad de colaborar en las mejores prácticas para la instrucción virtual y el plan para las próximas semanas, hemos decidido hacer los días de Desarrollo Profesional el lunes 13 de abril y el martes 14 de abril. Esto significa que los estudiantes no tendrían clases programadas durante los primeros dos días después de las vacaciones de primavera. Esto también aseguraría que todos los estudiantes puedan tomarse una semana libre de la escuela si lo desean, utilizando los lunes y martes después del receso para ponerse al día con el trabajo escolar si es necesario, ya que las tareas no se entregarán hasta el miércoles 15 de abril a más tardar.
Orientación de salud
El Oficial de Salud Pública del Estado de California y Director del Departamento de Salud Pública de California está ordenando a todas las personas que viven en el Estado de California que permanezcan en sus hogares, excepto para obtener alimentos, cuidar a un pariente o amigo, obtener atención médica necesaria o ir a un trabajo esencial. Si sale, mantenga al menos 6 pies de distancia.
En Da Vinci, queremos continuar brindando actualizaciones de atención médica a medida que estén disponibles a través de nuestras agencias locales de salud pública. Siga las siguientes pautas recomendadas por el Departamento de Salud Pública y los Centros para el Control de Enfermedades.
El virus COVID-19 tiene un período de incubación de 2 a 14 días, lo que significa que cualquier persona que esté en contacto cercano (el contacto cercano se define como estar a 6 pies de distancia de otra persona durante 10 minutos o más) con una persona que haya dado positivo o tenga síntomas necesitará auto-cuarentena durante 14 días. Si no se siente bien (los síntomas de COVID-19 incluyen fiebre por encima de 100.4, tos y falta de aire), comuníquese con su médico para evaluar sus síntomas y determinar los próximos pasos. Si necesita ayuda para encontrar un proveedor médico o servicios de salud mental, llame al 2-1-1. Si sus síntomas empeoran (respiración, deshidratación, confusión), busque atención médica inmediata en una sala de emergencias. De otra manera, el consejo del tratamiento es quedarse en casa y tomar medidas de autocuidado, como descansar y aumentar los líquidos.
Estamos profundamente agradecidos por todas las formas en que nuestra familia Da Vinci se une para apoyarse mutuamente.
Manténgase seguro y esté bien,
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
Dear Da Vinci Families and Staff,
As we begin our second week of virtual learning, we want to provide you with another update to ensure you have the latest information.
The closure of all Da Vinci campuses will extend through at least May 4, 2020 due to the ongoing coronavirus situation. As of now, we will plan to reopen on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, but an additional extension of the closure beyond that date is possible. Virtual instruction will continue at all Da Vinci Schools. Our amazing teachers, counselors and school leaders will continue to share curriculum and resources directly with students/families.
Da Vinci’s leadership made the decision to extend the closure following CA Governor Newsom’s announcement on Thursday of a new public health order for people to stay at home to increase social distancing, and LA County Superintendent of Schools Debra Duardo’s recommendation to close all schools in Los Angeles County through May 4, 2020. This decision was made in consultation with school district superintendents from across the state.
We understand how challenging these times are and we appreciate your support. We are deeply proud of all of our teachers and staff who are working hard to support our students and families. The health and safety of our Da Vinci family and beyond is our highest priority.
Meal Pick-Up (NEW TIME and LOCATION)
As of Monday, March 23rd, 2020 ALL Da Vinci students from all our six sites can pick up breakfast to go and lunch to go at Dana Middle School in the Wiseburn USD. Students can pick up the two meals, breakfast and lunch, at the same time. It is expected that the student be present to pick up the meals. However, in the event that the student is unavailable, a parent/guardian may pick up the meals on behalf of the student.
Dana Middle School
5504 W. 135th Street
Hawthorne, CA 90245
Monday through Friday
Between 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.
Check out the Menus here. Please be aware that, due to the unusual circumstances, every meal item listed on the menu may not be available during the duration of the meal distribution. Thank you for your understanding.
For those who do not have a device at home for virtual learning, we will be open again this Wednesday (3/25) from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. to pick-up a school-issued Chromebook. Tech pick-up for all six Da Vinci Schools will take place at the 201 N. Douglas St. campus. (DVC, DVD, DVS students may pick up on their school floor; DV Connect, RISE and DVX, please pick-up in the multi-purpose room). If you need Internet/WiFi access at home, Charter is offering FREE access to Spectrum for 60 days. To enroll in the program, call 1-844-488-8395 (English) or 855-765-6995 (Spanish). Installation fees will be waived for new student households. > MORE INFO
Please watch for updated information on the Da Vinci Schools website at Find additional resources, including an archive of updates, on Da Vinci Schools’ Coronavirus Updates web page at Communication also will continue via individual school websites, blogs, email, text, and social media in the coming days and weeks.
We are deeply grateful for all of the ways that our Da Vinci family is coming together to support one another. Our transition to virtual learning has been exemplary thanks to the enormous talent and commitment of our incredible team. Our school campuses may be closed, but we continue to be here for you.
Stay safe and be well,
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Actualización del coronavirus ((23 de marzo de 2020): cierres escolares extendidos al menos el 4 de mayo de 2020, continúa la instrucción virtual en las escuelas de Da Vinci
Estimadas familias y personal de Da Vinci:
Al comenzar nuestra segunda semana de aprendizaje virtual, queremos darles otra actualización para asegurarnos de que tenga la información más reciente.
El cierre de todas las escuelas de Da Vinci se extenderá al menos hasta el 4 de mayo de 2020 debido a la situación actual de coronavirus. A partir de ahora, planearemos reabrir el martes 5 de mayo de 2020, pero es posible que haiga una extensión adicional del cierre más allá de esa fecha. La instrucción virtual continuará en todas las escuelas de Da Vinci. Nuestros maestros asombrosos, consejeros y líderes escolares continuarán compartiendo el plan de estudios y los recursos directamente con los estudiantes / familias.
El liderazgo de las Escuelas Da Vinci tomó la decisión de extender el cierre después del anuncio del gobernador de California Newsom el jueves de una nueva orden de salud pública para que las personas se queden en sus hogares para aumentar el distanciamiento social, y la recomendación de la Superintendente de Escuelas del Condado de Los Ángeles, Debra Duardo, de cerrar todas las escuelas en el Condado de Los Ángeles. hasta el 4 de mayo de 2020. Esta decisión se tomó en consulta con los superintendentes del distrito escolar de todo el estado.
Entendemos que desafiantes son estos tiempos y apreciamos su apoyo. Estamos profundamente orgullosos de todos nuestros maestros y personal que están trabajando arduamente para apoyar a nuestros estudiantes y familias. La salud y la seguridad de nuestra familia Da Vinci es nuestra máxima prioridad.
Recogida de comidas (NUEVO TIEMPO y UBICACIÓN)
A partir del lunes 23 de marzo de 2020, TODOS los estudiantes de Da Vinci de nuestros seis sitios pueden recoger y llevarse el desayuno y el almuerzo para en la segundaria Dana. Los estudiantes pueden recoger las dos comidas, desayuno y almuerzo, al mismo tiempo. Se espera que el estudiante esté presente para recoger las comidas. Sin embargo, en el caso de que el estudiante no esté disponible, un padre / tutor puede recoger las comidas en nombre del estudiante.
Dana Middle School
5504 W. 135th Street
Hawthorne, CA 90245
de lunes a viernes
Entre las 10:30 a.m. y las 12:30 p.m.
Haga clic aquí para ver el menú. Tenga en cuenta que, debido a las circunstancias inusuales, es posible que todos los artículos de comida que figuran en el menú no estén disponibles durante la distribución de la comida. Gracias por su comprensión.
Para aquellos que no tienen un dispositivo en casa para el aprendizaje virtual, estaremos abiertos nuevamente este miércoles (25 de marzo) de 10 a.m. a 12 p.m. para recoger un Chromebook emitido por la escuela. La recolección de tecnología para las seis escuelas Da Vinci se llevará a cabo en el campus 201 N. Douglas St. (Los estudiantes de DVC, DVD, DVS pueden recoger en el piso de su escuela; DV Connect, RISE y DVX, por favor recoja en el salón de usos múltiples). Si necesita acceso a Internet / WiFi en casa, Charter ofrece acceso GRATUITO a Spectrum durante 60 días. Para inscribirse en el programa, llame al 1-844-488-8395 (inglés) o al 855-765-6995 (español). Las tarifas de instalación no se aplicarán a los nuevos hogares de estudiantes. > MÁS INFORMACIÓN
Esté atento a la información actualizada en el sitio web de las Escuelas Da Vinci en Encuentre recursos adicionales, incluido un archivo de actualizaciones, en la página web de actualizaciones de coronavirus de las escuelas de Da Vinci en La comunicación también continuará a través de sitios web de escuelas individuales, blogs, correo electrónico, mensajes de texto y redes sociales en los próximos días y semanas.
Estamos profundamente agradecidos por todas las formas en que nuestra familia Da Vinci se une para apoyarse mutuamente. Nuestra transición al aprendizaje virtual ha sido ejemplar gracias al enorme talento y compromiso de nuestro increíble equipo. Nuestros sitios escolares pueden estar cerrados, pero seguimos estando aquí para usted.
Manténgase seguro y esté bien,
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
Meal Pick-Up (NEW TIME and LOCATION)
As of Monday, March 23rd, 2020 ALL Da Vinci students from all our six sites can pick up breakfast to go and lunch to go at Dana Middle School in the Wiseburn USD. Students can pick up the two meals, breakfast and lunch, at the same time. Students must be present. However, if the student is unavailable, parent/guardian may pick up the meals for the student.
Dana Middle School
5504 W. 135th Street
Hawthorne, CA 90245
Monday through Friday
Between 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.
Check out the Menus here. Please be aware that, due to the unusual circumstances, every meal item listed on the menu may not be available during the duration of the meal distribution. Thank you for your understanding.
Questions, call 310-331-8099.
Recogida de comidas (NUEVA HORA y UBICACIÓN))
Comenzando el lunes, 23 de marzo, 2020, TODOS los estudiantes/familias de las seis escuelas de Da Vinci pueden recoger desayuno para llevar y almuerzo para llevar en la Escuela Intermedia Dana (Dana Middle School), del Distrito Escolar de Wiseburn. Estudiantes pueden recoger las dos comidas, desayuno y almuerzo, a la misma vez. Los estudiantes deben estar presente. Pero, si el estudiante no está disponible, los padres/guardianes pueden recoger las comidas para el estudiante.
Dana Middle School
5504 W. 135th Street
Hawthorne, CA 90245
De lunes a viernes
De 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Haga clic aquí para ver el menú. Tenga en cuenta que, debido a las circunstancias inusuales, es posible que todos los artículos de comida que figuran en el menú no estén disponibles durante la distribución de la comida. Gracias por su comprensión.
Preguntas, llame al (310) 331-8099.
Dear Da Vinci Families and Staff,
As of today, March 17, there are still no known cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) within Da Vinci or Wiseburn schools.
School Status (pertains to DV Connect, Communications, Design, Science, DVX)
Da Vinci Schools will continue with virtual instruction through Friday, April 3, 2020. Da Vinci Schools will remain closed from April 6-10, 2020 for Spring Break. It is our hope that we will resume on-campus instruction on Monday, April 13. However, we will remain flexible and will do what is best for the health and safety of our students and staff, in consultation with local and state authorities.
RISE Status
Da Vinci RISE High will continue with virtual instruction this week (March 16-20). Classes and programming will be canceled during Intersession (March 23-April 3). RISE will resume virtual instruction on April 6. We hope to return to our learning center campuses on Monday, April 13. However, we will remain flexible and will do what is best for the health and safety of our students and staff, in consultation with local and state authorities.
For those who do not have a device at home for virtual learning, we will be open again tomorrow (March 18) from 10am-12pm at DV Connect, DVC, DVD, DVS and DVX for students/families to pick up school-issued Chromebooks.
RISE-Hawthorne students may pick up their tech/resources and meals at the 201 N. Douglas campus from 12:00-1:30pm daily. RISE-APCH students may pick up their tech/resources and meals at APCH from 12:00-1:00pm M-F.
Internet and WiFi Access
If you do not currently have Wi-Fi access at home, Charter is offering FREE access to Spectrum for 60 days. To enroll in the program, call 1-844-488-8395 (English) or 855-765-6995 (Spanish). Installation fees will be waived for new student households. > MORE INFO
Virtual Instruction
Your teachers, counselors and school leaders will continue to share curriculum and resources directly with students/families.
Meal Pick-Up
Students/families from all six of our Da Vinci Schools may pick up "grab-and-go" meals M-F in the Multipurpose Room at Da Vinci's home campus, located at 201 N. Douglas Street. Meals are for students only.
Breakfast: 8:00-9:00am
Lunch: 12:00-1:30pm
Check out the Menus here. Please be aware that, due to the unusual circumstances, every meal item listed on the menu may not be available during the duration of the meal distribution. Thank you for your understanding.
I am deeply proud of all of our Da Vincians -- our students, families, teachers and staff -- who are all pulling together and rising to meet these challenges with optimism, flexibility, creativity, and determination. I encourage all of us to look out for each other as we take care of ourselves. I am confident that our Da Vinci and Wiseburn communities will meet this challenge.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to your school leader or reply to this email. We also want to direct you to our Coronavirus webpage for regular updates.
With gratitude,
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Actualización de Coronavirus: anuncios sobre el estado de la escuela y la distribución de tecnología (17 de marzo de 2020)
Estimadas familias y personal de Da Vinci:
A partir de hoy, 17 de marzo, todavía no se conocen casos de Coronavirus (COVID-19) dentro de las escuelas de Da Vinci o Wiseburn.
Estado de escuela (pertenece a DV Connect, Comunicaciones, Diseño, Ciencias, y DVX)
Las Escuelas Da Vinci continuarán con la instrucción virtual hasta el viernes 3 de abril de 2020. Las Escuelas Da Vinci permanecerán cerradas del 6 al 10 de abril de 2020 durante las vacaciones de primavera. Esperamos que reanudemos la instrucción en el los sitios el lunes 13 de abril. Sin embargo, seguiremos siendo flexibles y haremos lo mejor para la salud y seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y personal, en consulta con las autoridades locales y estatales.
Status de RISE
Da Vinci RISE High continuará con instrucción virtual esta semana (16-20 de marzo). Las clases y la programación se cancelarán durante la Intercesión (del 23 de marzo al 3 de abril). RISE reanudará la instrucción virtual el 6 de abril. Esperamos regresar a los sitios de nuestro centro de aprendizaje el lunes 13 de abril. Sin embargo, seguiremos siendo flexibles y haremos lo mejor para la salud y seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y personal, en consulta con autoridades locales y estatales.
Para aquellos que no tienen un artículo en casa para el aprendizaje virtual, abriremos nuevamente mañana (18 de marzo) de 10 a.m. a 12 p.m. en DV Connect, DVC, DVD, DVS y DVX para que los estudiantes / familias recojan Chromebooks emitidos por la escuela .
Los estudiantes de RISE-Hawthorne pueden recoger su tecnología / recursos y comidas en el campus 201 N. Douglas de 12: 00-1: 30 pm diariamente. Los estudiantes de RISE-APCH pueden recoger su tecnología / recursos y comidas en APCH de 12: 00-1: 00pm de lunes a viernes.
Acceso a internet y WiFi
Si actualmente no tiene acceso a Wi-Fi en su hogar, Charter ofrece acceso GRATUITO a Spectrum durante 60 días. Para inscribirse en el programa, llame al 1-844-488-8395 (inglés) o al 855-765-6995 (español). Las tarifas de instalación no se aplicarán a los nuevos hogares de estudiantes. > MÁS INFORMACIÓN
Instrucción virtual
Sus maestros, consejeros y líderes escolares continuarán compartiendo el plan de estudios y los recursos directamente con los estudiantes / familias.
Recogida de comidas
Los estudiantes / familias de las seis escuelas de Da Vinci pueden recoger comidas para llevar de lunes a viernes en la sala de usos múltiples en el campus de Da Vinci, ubicado en 201 N. Douglas Street. Las comidas son solo para estudiantes.
Desayuno: 8: 00-9: 00am
Almuerzo: 12: 00-1: 30pm
Haga clic aquí para ver el menú. Tenga en cuenta que, debido a las circunstancias inusuales, es posible que todos los artículos de comida que figuran en el menú no estén disponibles durante la distribución de la comida. Gracias por su comprensión.
Estoy profundamente orgulloso de todos nuestros Da Vincians, nuestros estudiantes, familias, maestros y personal, que se están uniendo y se están elevando para enfrentar estos desafíos con optimismo, flexibilidad, creatividad y determinación. Los animo a todos a que nos cuidemos mientras nos cuidamos. Estoy seguro de que nuestras comunidades Da Vinci y Wiseburn enfrentarán este desafío.
Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, no dude en comunicarse con el líder de su escuela o responder a este correo electrónico. También queremos dirigirlo a nuestra página web de Coronavirus para actualizaciones periódicas.
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Dear Da Vinci Families and Staff,
Thank you for your trust and support over the last few days. Our thoughts are with you as you and your families navigate coronavirus at home. We wholeheartedly believe that while it may be overwhelming at times, our school community can weather this current event quite effectively. We wish to inform you that there are still no known cases of coronavirus in the Da Vinci or Wiseburn community.
As we transition to virtual instruction beginning tomorrow, we want to share with you some important information and resources:
Technology Updates
- Charter Communications, Spectrum’s parent company, announced Friday that beginning March 16, it will make its internet and WiFi services available for free for 60 days to households with K-12 and/or college students who don’t already have internet through the company. To enroll in the program, call 1-844-488-8395 (English) or 855-765-6995 (Spanish). Installation fees will be waived for new student households. More info can be found here.
- Please note that there are no classes being held on our campuses beginning tomorrow, Monday, March 16. However, our campuses will be open to students/families only for the purpose of picking up school-issued Chromebooks between the hours of 10am – 12pm. Our IT team is making a Chromebook available to every student who needs one to support his/her virtual learning at home. Please understand for the wellness of all, this is not a time for meetings and/or socializing.
- If students need help with their Chromebooks while they are offsite, they should email This email is for student use only except for Connect K-8 parents managing their younger child’s learning.
Meal Service
Beginning tomorrow (March 16), Chartwells (our meal service partner) will provide "grab-and-go" breakfasts and lunches for students and staff from ALL six of our Da Vinci schools in the Multipurpose Room at 201 N. Douglas Street, El Segundo. See our Menu here.
- Breakfast: 8:00-9:00AM M-F
- Lunch: 12:00-1:30PM M-F
- Our meal pricing will be the same for free and reduced-price meals. Full pay students may also participate ($3.50 breakfast, $4.50 lunch).
- Parents/guardians may pick up meals for students provided they show I.D.
- We ask that students consume these meals off campus.
- Please be aware that, due to the unusual circumstances, every meal item listed on the menu may not be available during the duration of the meal distribution. Thank you for your understanding.
- RISE-Hawthorne will have meal service at its location on March 16 only, then all "grab-and-go" meals will be served at the 201 N. Douglas campus only for the duration of the virtual learning experience.
Virtual Instruction Update
School leadership is communicating directly with their students and families. Here is a general overview of what each school is doing:
- Da Vinci Communications Principal Erin D'Souza created a video about the shift to virtual instruction and what DVC, DVD and DVS students and families can expect. Assignments will be posted in Google Classroom. Students will have access to teachers via email or in Google Classroom at the same time that they would normally be in class.
- We want to give a huge shout out to our DVC Journalism Pathway students and their online publication, The Vitruvian Post, for creating and hosting this video-- this is real-world learning, teamwork, and leadership at its best.
- DV Connect, RISE and DVX are well positioned for this transition as they all operate currently using a hybrid learning model.
- DV Connect K-8 teachers are implementing Google Classroom and Google Meet with additional supports. The K-8 staff are arranging virtual learning and social connecting opportunities, virtual parent support, and virtual counseling support and workshops. The pilot high school is running virtual classes two days per week and continuing their independent learning on the other days.
- RISE sites are closed to students for the upcoming week (March 16 – March 20) and also during Intersession (March 23 – April 3). Given the hybrid learning model at RISE, most students are familiar with navigating their online instruction via DreamSeeDo.
- DVX students are continuing with their same hybrid schedule. Staff members will be available virtually all day M-F.
As always, please feel free to reach out to your school leader or our general mailbox at if you have any questions or concerns. We will be sharing more information as this situation continues to develop. We also want to direct you to our Coronavirus webpage for regular updates.
We will miss seeing you on our campuses but can't wait to see you virtually!
With gratitude,
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Actualización de Coronavirus: Internet gratis, servicio de comidas y instrucción virtual (15 de marzo de 2020)
Estimadas familias y personal de Da Vinci:
Gracias por su confianza y apoyo en los últimos días. Nuestros pensamientos están con usted mientras usted y sus familias navegan el coronavirus en casa. Creemos de todo corazón que, si bien puede ser abrumador a veces, nuestra comunidad escolar puede superar este evento actual con bastante eficacia. Deseamos informarle que todavía no se conocen casos de coronavirus en la comunidad de Da Vinci o Wiseburn. A medida que hagamos la transición a la instrucción virtual a partir de mañana, queremos compartir con ustedes información y recursos importantes:
Actualizaciones tecnológicas
- Charter Communications, la compañía matriz de Spectrum, anunció el viernes que, a partir del 16 de marzo, pondrá a disposición sus servicios de Internet y WiFi de forma gratuita durante 60 días para hogares con estudiantes de K-12 y / o estudiantes universitarios que aún no tienen Internet a través de la compañía. Para inscribirse en el programa, llame al 1-844-488-8395 (inglés) o al 855-765-6995 (español). Las tarifas de instalación no se aplicarán a los nuevos hogares de estudiantes. Encuentra más información aquí.
- Tenga en cuenta que no hay clases en nuestros campus comenzando mañana, lunes, 16 de marzo. Sin embargo, nuestros sitios estarán abiertos para estudiantes / familias que vienen a recoger Chromebooks emitidos por la escuela entre las 10 a.m. y las 12 p.m. Nuestro equipo de TI está haciendo que un Chromebook esté disponible para cada estudiante que lo necesite para apoyar su aprendizaje virtual en casa. Por favor, comprenda para el bienestar de todos, este no es un momento para reuniones y / o socializar.
- Si los estudiantes necesitan ayuda con sus Chromebooks mientras están fuera del sitio, deben enviar un correo electrónico a Este correo electrónico es para uso exclusivo de los estudiantes, excepto para los padres de Connect K-8 que administran el aprendizaje de sus hijos más pequeños.
Servicio de comidas
A partir de mañana (16 de marzo), Chartwells (nuestro socio de servicio de comidas) proporcionará desayunos y almuerzos que puede llevar y recoger para los estudiantes y al personal de TODAS las seis escuelas de Da Vinci en el Salón de Usos Múltiples/área de almuerzo en 201 N. Douglas Street, El Segundo. Vea nuestro menú aquí.
- Desayuno: 8: 00-9: 00AM M-F
- Almuerzo: 12: 00-1: 30PM M-F
- Nuestro precio de comida será el mismo para comidas gratis y de precio reducido. Los estudiantes que pagan por completo también pueden participar ($ 3.50 desayuno, $ 4.50 almuerzo).
- Los padres / tutores pueden recoger comidas para los estudiantes siempre que muestren identificación.
- Pedimos que los estudiantes consuman estas comidas fuera del campus.
- Tenga en cuenta que, debido a las circunstancias inusuales, es posible que todos los artículos de comida que figuran en el menú no estén disponibles durante la distribución de la comida. Gracias por su comprensión.
- RISE-Hawthorne tendrá servicio de comidas en su sitio solo el 16 de marzo, luego todas las comidas "para llevar" se servirán en el campus 201 N. Douglas solo mientras dure la experiencia de aprendizaje virtual.
Actualización de instrucción virtual
El liderazgo escolar se está comunicando directamente con sus estudiantes y familias. Aquí hay una descripción general de lo que está haciendo cada escuela:
- La directora de Da Vinci Communications, Erin D'Souza, creó un video sobre el cambio a la instrucción virtual y lo que los estudiantes y las familias de DVC, DVD y DVS pueden esperar. Las tareas se publicarán en Google Classroom. Los estudiantes tendrán acceso a los maestros por correo electrónico o en Google Classroom al mismo tiempo que normalmente estarían en clase.
- Queremos agradecer enormemente a nuestros estudiantes de DVC Journalism Pathway y su publicación en línea, The Vitruvian Post, por crear y presentar este video; esto es el aprendizaje en el mundo real, el trabajo en equipo y el liderazgo en su mejor momento.
- DV Connect, RISE y DVX están bien posicionados para esta transición, ya que todos operan actualmente utilizando un modelo de aprendizaje híbrido.
- Los maestros de DV Connect K-8 están implementando Google Classroom y Google Meet con soporte adicional. El personal de K-8 está organizando oportunidades virtuales de aprendizaje y conexión social, apoyo virtual para padres y apoyo y talleres de asesoramiento virtual. La escuela secundaria piloto está impartiendo clases virtuales dos días por semana y continúa su aprendizaje independiente los otros días.
- Los sitios de RISE están cerrados para los estudiantes durante la próxima semana (16 de marzo - 20 de marzo) y también durante la sesión intermedia (23 de marzo - 3 de abril). Dado el modelo de aprendizaje híbrido en RISE, la mayoría de los estudiantes están familiarizados con la navegación de sus instrucciones en línea a través de DreamSeeDo.
- Los estudiantes de DVX continúan con su mismo horario híbrido. Los miembros del personal estarán disponibles prácticamente todo el día de lunes a viernes.
Como siempre, no dude en comunicarse con el líder de su escuela o con nuestro buzón general en si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud. Compartiremos más información a medida que esta situación continúe desarrollándose. También queremos dirigirlo a nuestra página web de Coronavirus para actualizaciones periódicas.
¡Extrañaremos verlos en campus, pero estamos ansiosos por verlos virtualmente!
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
Coronavirus Update: March 13, 2020
Dear Da Vinci Families and Staff,
As we continue to monitor the emerging Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Da Vinci Schools and the Wiseburn Unified School District are taking proactive measures to support the health of our immediate community and the Greater Los Angeles area. After careful deliberation and in close contact with local health officials, beginning Monday, March 16, 2020, all Da Vinci schools will be closed to students for at least one week. Curriculum will be delivered via a virtual delivery model and other means of home study. Additional guidance about returning to campus will be provided on or before March 20, 2020.
Right now, we know nearly all districts in L.A. County have suspended their regular instructional programs and are offering online instruction. Da Vinci and Wiseburn administration have partnered on the decision to dismiss students in the hope that these extreme efforts at social distancing will support containment efforts.
Importantly, there are no known cases of Coronavirus on any Da Vinci or Wiseburn campus at this time.
Our dedicated staff have been working collaboratively over the past week to create online educational and alternate learning plans that all students will be able to access while the move to virtual learning takes place. Students and families will receive separate communication from your child’s school leader and/or teacher(s) with information on how to access these materials. Special education teachers and counselors will provide remote supports so students may access curriculum. Please communicate with your school leader for support, if needed. Given our exceptional talent and how we already leverage technology in our instructional program, we are confident in our ability to continue to offer an outstanding program.
Food Service
We understand that moving to a home-based instructional model will be a hardship for many of our students and families who depend on free and reduced-cost meals that students get at school. We expect that a “grab-and-go” system will be implemented with pick-up location(s) to be finalized and communicated in the near future.
All internal and external events, activities and meetings have been canceled, including athletic games and practices.
Next Steps
We appreciate your understanding, patience and partnership during these ever-evolving times. Together, we will navigate with grace to overcome the challenges we face now and ahead.
Please keep referring to our Coronavirus Updates webpage on the main Da Vinci Schools website. This page is being updated regularly. As a reminder, we will send out another update on or before Friday, March 20 with information about returning to campus.
With gratitude,
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Urgente: Las Escuelas Da Vinci pasan a la enseñanza en línea la próxima semana
Actualización de Coronavirus: 13 de marzo de 2020
Estimadas familias y personal de Da Vinci:
A medida que continuamos monitoreando la emergente pandemia de Coronavirus (COVID-19), las Escuelas Da Vinci y el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Wiseburn están tomando medidas proactivas para apoyar la salud de nuestra comunidad inmediata y el área metropolitana de Los Ángeles. Después de una cuidadosa deliberación y en estrecho contacto con los funcionarios locales de salud, a partir del lunes 16 de marzo de 2020, todas las escuelas de Da Vinci estarán cerradas para los estudiantes por al menos una semana. El plan de estudios se entregará a través de un modelo de entrega virtual y otros medios de estudio en el hogar. Se proporcionará información adicional sobre el regreso a los sitios escolares el 20 de marzo de 2020 o antes.
En este momento, sabemos que casi todos los distritos del condado de Los Ángeles han suspendido sus programas educativos regulares y están ofreciendo instrucción en línea. Da Vinci y la administración de Wiseburn se han tomado la decisión de despedir a los estudiantes con la esperanza de que estos esfuerzos extremos de distanciamiento social respalden los esfuerzos de contención.
Es importante destacar que no hay casos actuales de Coronavirus en ningún campus de Da Vinci o Wiseburn en este momento.
Nuestro dedicado personal ha estado trabajando en colaboración durante la última semana para crear planes educativos y de aprendizaje alternativos en línea a los que todos los estudiantes podrán acceder mientras se lleva a cabo el aprendizaje virtual. Los estudiantes y las familias recibirán una comunicación aparte del director escolar y / o maestro (s) de su hijo con información sobre cómo acceder estos materiales. Los maestros de educación especial y los consejeros proporcionarán apoyo remoto para que los estudiantes puedan acceder al plan de estudios. Comuníquese con el director de su escuela para obtener ayuda, si es necesario. Dado nuestro talento excepcional y la forma en que ya aprovechamos la tecnología en nuestros programas de instrucción, confiamos en nuestra capacidad para continuar ofreciendo un programa excepcional.
Servicio de comida
Entendemos que pasar a un modelo de instrucción en el hogar será una dificultad para muchos de nuestros estudiantes y familias que dependen de las comidas gratuitas y de costo reducido que los estudiantes reciben en la escuela. Anticipamos implementar un sistema para poder recoger y llevarse comida en lugares que serán designados. Esta información se comunicará cuando sea finalizada.
Todos los eventos, actividades y reuniones internas y externas se han cancelado, incluyendo los juegos y prácticas deportivas.
Próximos pasos
Agradecemos su comprensión, paciencia y colaboración durante estos tiempos en constante evolución. Juntos, navegaremos con gracia para superar los desafíos que enfrentamos ahora y en el futuro.
Siga refiriéndose a nuestra página web Actualizaciones de Coronavirus en el sitio web principal de las Escuelas Da Vinci. Estaremos actualizando esta página regularmente. Tomen en cuenta que enviaremos otra actualización el viernes 20 de marzo, o antes con información sobre el regreso a los sitios escolares.
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
Dear Da Vincians,
Today, we are implementing new precautionary safety actions to protect our community and to help limit the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) on our campuses. Importantly, there are no known cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) on any Da Vinci campus.
We received information late yesterday from the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) that we are in Scenario II of the California Department of Public Health School Guidance on Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19. Scenario II defines the measures to be taken if there are two or more community transmission cases of COVID-19, but no individuals (student or staff) at the school have tested positive.
Scenario II: Effective immediately, Da Vinci Schools will implement the following precautionary measures:
- If your child appears sick or may be sick, please keep him/her at home. Students, teachers and staff should self-screen (i.e., check themselves for fever and/or respiratory symptoms such as cough) for respiratory infection symptoms each morning before coming to school. As is our practice, please notify your school office or principal/supervisor if you need to remain home.
- We are cancelling all non-essential activities, including SLCs, Exhibition, field trips, school dances, assemblies/community dialogue, talent shows, and athletic events (including athletic games and practices) until further notice. All workshops and other community gatherings are also canceled.
- We will limit visitors to the school by not allowing those with symptoms of fever and/or respiratory infection or who have a travel history over the course of the last 14 days to an area identified by the CDC as Level 3 Travel Health Notice.
Maintenance Practices
The Scenario II measures above are in addition to the increased cleaning and disinfecting that have been taking place at all of our schools. Our custodians have prioritized cleaning and sanitizing of commonly touched surfaces in our schools. We thank our facilities team for helping keep our entire school community safe.
Precautions and Recommended Practices
- If you get sick, stay home. Persons who have been ill should be fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication before returning to school or work.
- In addition to being fever-free, the County has recently advised that students and staff be free of a "productive moist cough spewing respiratory droplets." Persons who have such a cough should stay home and be cough-free before returning to school.
- Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. Help young children do the same.
- If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
- Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- If possible, limit close contact with people who are sick.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
- Cover coughs or sneezes with a tissue or sleeve (not your hands).
- Maintain social distance (avoid unnecessary touches, handshakes or other person-to-person means of transmission).
Contingency Plans: In Case of School Closures
I want to take a moment to update you on our planning for a potential school closure if directed by a public agency due to COVID-19. Again, we take direction from LACOE and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) on a decision to temporarily close school. The CDPH would recommend closing a school if there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 at that school.
Our educators are working collaboratively to develop plans around continuing instruction through online and alternate platforms. Teachers are currently surveying students about their Internet access at home. We expect most students will work mostly virtually if there is a school closure. Given our exceptional talent and how we already leverage technology in our instructional program, we are confident in our ability to develop plans as circumstances evolve.
We will continue to closely monitor the situation and provide updates as information emerges. You can also find information and resources on our Coronavirus Updates webpage. Although we are receiving guidance from LACOE and the Department of Public Health, I acknowledge that there is no “play book” for this kind of event. We have the finest educators anywhere, and we have no doubt that our collective efforts will allow us to overcome the challenges we face now and ahead.
Please know that we care deeply about students' safety, their learning and their overall well-being and experience at school. We will proceed with normal classroom routines and great days on all of our campuses until otherwise notified.
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Urgente: Las Escuelas Da Vinci pasan a la enseñanza en línea la próxima semana
Actualización de Coronavirus: 13 de marzo de 2020
Estimadas familias y personal de Da Vinci:
A medida que continuamos monitoreando la emergente pandemia de Coronavirus (COVID-19), las Escuelas Da Vinci y el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Wiseburn están tomando medidas proactivas para apoyar la salud de nuestra comunidad inmediata y el área metropolitana de Los Ángeles. Después de una cuidadosa deliberación y en estrecho contacto con los funcionarios locales de salud, a partir del lunes 16 de marzo de 2020, todas las escuelas de Da Vinci estarán cerradas para los estudiantes por al menos una semana. El plan de estudios se entregará a través de un modelo de entrega virtual y otros medios de estudio en el hogar. Se proporcionará información adicional sobre el regreso a los sitios escolares el 20 de marzo de 2020 o antes.
En este momento, sabemos que casi todos los distritos del condado de Los Ángeles han suspendido sus programas educativos regulares y están ofreciendo instrucción en línea. Da Vinci y la administración de Wiseburn se han tomado la decisión de despedir a los estudiantes con la esperanza de que estos esfuerzos extremos de distanciamiento social respalden los esfuerzos de contención.
Es importante destacar que no hay casos actuales de Coronavirus en ningún campus de Da Vinci o Wiseburn en este momento.
Nuestro dedicado personal ha estado trabajando en colaboración durante la última semana para crear planes educativos y de aprendizaje alternativos en línea a los que todos los estudiantes podrán acceder mientras se lleva a cabo el aprendizaje virtual. Los estudiantes y las familias recibirán una comunicación aparte del director escolar y / o maestro (s) de su hijo con información sobre cómo acceder estos materiales. Los maestros de educación especial y los consejeros proporcionarán apoyo remoto para que los estudiantes puedan acceder al plan de estudios. Comuníquese con el director de su escuela para obtener ayuda, si es necesario. Dado nuestro talento excepcional y la forma en que ya aprovechamos la tecnología en nuestros programas de instrucción, confiamos en nuestra capacidad para continuar ofreciendo un programa excepcional.
Servicio de comida
Entendemos que pasar a un modelo de instrucción en el hogar será una dificultad para muchos de nuestros estudiantes y familias que dependen de las comidas gratuitas y de costo reducido que los estudiantes reciben en la escuela. Anticipamos implementar un sistema para poder recoger y llevarse comida en lugares que serán designados. Esta información se comunicará cuando sea finalizada.
Todos los eventos, actividades y reuniones internas y externas se han cancelado, incluyendo los juegos y prácticas deportivas.
Próximos pasos
Agradecemos su comprensión, paciencia y colaboración durante estos tiempos en constante evolución.
Juntos, navegaremos con gracia para superar los desafíos que enfrentamos ahora y en el futuro.
Siga refiriéndose a nuestra página web Actualizaciones de Coronavirus en el sitio web principal de las Escuelas Da Vinci. Estaremos actualizando esta página regularmente. Tomen en cuenta que enviaremos otra actualización el viernes 20 de marzo, o antes con información sobre el regreso a los sitios escolares.
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
Dear Da Vinci Families and Staff,
There are no known cases of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in our Da Vinci Schools community at this time. However, as a preventive measure and based on the guidance of the California Department of Public Health, we are canceling all non-essential events effective today, March 12.
Here's what you need to know right now:
- SLCs have been canceled.
- We are still holding regular school classes.
- We have expanded our cleaning and disinfecting routine.
We will continue to keep you updated by email. We are also posting updates on the Da Vinci Schools Coronavirus Updates webpage. Please know our first priority is the safety and health of our students and staff.
Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Dear Da Vinci Families and Staff,
As you may have heard through the media, governmental officials in Los Angeles have declared a local and public health emergency in response to 6 additional cases of COVID-19 in LA County; the total number of cases for the County is 11.
These declarations enhance county and city abilities to effectively manage the response to COVID-19. Response includes mobilization of county resources, acceleration of emergency planning, streamlining of staffing, coordination with agencies across the county, request of appropriate support from state and federal sources, and raising of awareness about how everyone can be prepared for more cases and community spread.
Several press conferences are being held from the federal and state levels regarding the actions needed. The following facts below are what we know to date:
- Regarding the new cases in LA County, all have a known source of exposure, no community transmission has occurred.
- LA County health officials expect more cases to be confirmed in the future and have increased the county's capacity to test at a local laboratory.
- Statewide, more than 50 people have tested positive for COVID-19, including several who got it through community transmission, according to the
- California Department of Public Health. More than 500 people have been tested for the virus.
- At this time there is no recommendation to limit or cancel public events, gatherings or schools.
Any decision to close schools will be made upon advisory from the LA County Office of Education and the LA County Department of Public Health and in conjunction with state agencies. Da Vinci administrators are working closely with state and local agencies on a comprehensive response should we need to take additional measures.
At this time, no LA County schools have been impacted. Da Vinci is fortunate to have web-based instructional options available if we are required to make changes to our instruction due to closure or cancellation.
Da Vinci continues to spread awareness and education and prevention of transmission by:
- Continuing to use a robust, regular cleaning and disinfection schedule for frequently touched surfaces.
- Encouraging universal handwashing through posters and class announcements.
- Ordering additional handwashing and sanitizing supplies.
- Teachers can refer students who have been or are reportedly sick to the school Health Office.
To prevent the spread of any illness in school and in the community, please maintain the healthy habits listed below:
- If you get sick, stay home. Persons who have been ill should be fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication before returning to school or work.
- Wash hands frequently.
- Practice and model “Cover the cough”.
- Maintain social distance (avoid unnecessary touches, handshakes or other person-to-person means of transmission).
- If you have questions regarding a potential illness, please call a clinic or your doctor before going in. If you do not have a healthcare provider, call 211 for assistance finding support near you.
As information continues to be provided to our school leaders, we will bring that to you in a timely manner. Find up to date information at Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH, County):
Social media: @lapublichealth
Estimadas familias y personal de Da Vinci:
Como puede haber escuchado a través de los medios de comunicación, los funcionarios gubernamentales en Los Ángeles han declarado una emergencia de salud pública y local en respuesta a 6 casos adicionales de COVID-19 en el condado de Los Ángeles; El número total de casos para el Condado es de siete.
Estas declaraciones mejoran las habilidades del condado y la ciudad para gestionar de manera efectiva la respuesta a COVID-19. La respuesta incluye la movilización de recursos del condado, acelerar la planificación de emergencias, agilizar la dotación de personal, coordinarse con las agencias de todo el condado, solicitar el apoyo apropiado de las fuentes estatales y federales y crear conciencia sobre cómo todos pueden estar preparados para más casos y la difusión comunitaria.
Varias conferencias de prensa se llevan a cabo desde los niveles federal y estatal con respecto a las acciones necesarias. Los siguientes hechos son lo que sabemos hasta la fecha:
- Con respecto a los nuevos casos en el condado de Los Ángeles, todos tienen una fuente conocida de exposición, no se ha producido ninguna transmisión comunitaria.
- Los funcionarios de salud del condado de Los Ángeles esperan que se confirmen más casos en el futuro y han aumentado la capacidad del condado para realizar pruebas en un laboratorio local.
- En todo el estado, más de 50 personas han dado resultados positivos para COVID-19, incluyendo varias personas que lo obtuvieron por transmisión comunitaria, según el Departamento de Salud Pública de California. Más de 500 personas han sido analizadas para detectar el virus.
- En este momento no hay recomendación para limitar o cancelar eventos públicos, reuniones o escuelas.
Cualquier decisión de cerrar las escuelas se tomará con el asesoramiento de la Oficina de Educación del Condado de Los Ángeles y el Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado de Los Ángeles y en conjunto con agencias estatales. Los administradores de Da Vinci están trabajando cercanamente con las agencias estatales y locales para desarrollar una respuesta integral en caso de que necesitemos tomar medidas adicionales.
En este momento, ninguna escuela ha sido afectada. Da Vinci es afortunado de tener opciones de instrucción basadas en la web si se nos requiriera realizar cambios en nuestra instrucción debido al cierre o cancelación.
Da Vinci continúa difundiendo la conciencia y la educación y la prevención de la transmisión mediante:
- Continuar usando un programa de limpieza y desinfección robusto y regular para las superficies que se tocan con frecuencia.
- Fomentar el lavado de manos universal a través de carteles y anuncios de clase.
- Ordenar suministros adicionales para el lavado de manos y desinfección.
- Los maestros pueden referir a los estudiantes que han estado o están enfermos a la oficina de salud de la escuela.
Para evitar la propagación de cualquier enfermedad en la escuela y la comunidad, mantenga los hábitos saludables que se enumeran a continuación:
Si se enferma, quédese en casa. Las personas que han estado enfermas deben estar sin fiebre durante 24 horas sin medicamentos para reducir la fiebre antes de regresar a la escuela o al trabajo.
- Lavarse las manos con frecuencia.
- Practique y modele "Cubra la tos".
- Mantenga la distancia social (evite toques innecesarios, apretones de manos u otros medios de transmisión de persona a persona).
- Si tiene preguntas sobre una posible enfermedad, llame a una clínica o a su médico antes de ir. Si no tiene un proveedor de atención médica, llame al 211 para obtener ayuda para encontrar apoyo cerca de usted.
A medida que se continúe brindando información a nuestros líderes escolares, se la brindaremos de manera oportuna. Puede encontrar información actualizada en el Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado de Los Ángeles (LACDPH, Condado):
Sitio web:
Redes sociales: @lapublichealth
Da Vinci Schools and the Wiseburn Unified School District continue to work closely with the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) and LA County Department of Public Health (DPH) to monitor the spread of the novel Coronavirus and take proper precautions. We are following their guidelines to help ensure the health and safety of all of our students and staff.
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation is rapidly evolving and expanding globally. Nevertheless, there is currently no imminent threat of school closures in LA County. The risk of transmission remains very low in the U.S. and there is only 1 confirmed case in LA County involving a resident of Wuhan City, China, and no transmission is reported.
In the event of community transmission, public health interventions will vary depending on local conditions. In the event the DPH calls for a suspension of classes, we will follow their guidelines and protocols for this public health emergency.
You may refer to the LA County Department of Public Health to learn more about the Coronavirus here. Additionally, our school website includes information on the Coronavirus for staff and families.
We need to engage in simple, yet effective, measures for combating the spread of the Coronavirus as we do for any cold or flu virus.
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
- Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue or your sleeve
- Avoid contact with sick people
- Stay home if you are sick
We will continue to share information with you as we receive updates from the Los Angeles County Office of Education and the LA Department of Public Health.
Las Escuelas Da Vinci y el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Wiseburn continúan trabajando con la Oficina de Educación del Condado de Los Ángeles (LACOE) y el Departamento de Salud Pública de Los Ángeles (DPH) para monitorear la propagación del Nuevo Coronavirus y tomar las precauciones apropiadas. Estamos siguiendo sus pautas para ayudar a garantizar la salud y la seguridad de todos nuestros estudiantes y personal.
La situación del Coronavirus (COVID-19) está evolucionando rápidamente y expandiéndose a nivel mundial. Sin embargo, actualmente no existe una amenaza inminente de cierre de escuelas en el Condado de Los Ángeles. El riesgo de transmisión sigue siendo muy bajo en los Estados Unidos y sólo hay 1 caso confirmado en el condado de Los Ángeles que involucra a un residente de la ciudad de Wuhan, China y no se ha reportado ninguna transmisión.
En caso de transmisión comunitaria, las intervenciones de salud pública variarán dependiendo de las condiciones locales. En caso de que el DPH solicite la suspensión de clases, seguiremos sus pautas y protocolos para esta emergencia de salud pública.
Puede consultar la salud pública del Condado de Los Ángeles para obtener más información aquí. Además, nuestro sitio web de la escuela incluye información sobre el Coronavirus para el personal y los padres.
Tenemos que emprender medidas sencillas, pero eficaces, para combatir la propagación del Coronavirus como lo hacemos para cualquier virus de resfriado o gripe.
- Lávese las manos con frecuencia con agua y jabón
- Evite tocarse los ojos, la nariz y la boca
- Cubra la tos y los estornudos con un pañuelo o la manga
- Evite el contacto con gente enferma
- Quédese en casa si está enfermo
Continuaremos compartiendo información con usted a medida que recibamos actualizaciones de la Oficina de Educación del Condado de Los Ángeles y el Departamento de Salud Pública de Los Ángeles.

Talking to Children About COVID-19
CA Department of Public Health
LA County Department of Education
LA County Department of Public Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
LA Community Resources (includes food distribution)
Coronavirus Testing for Uninsured
Resources for Students in Foster Care