Da Vinci Institute

To meet the growing demand from educators seeking to learn more about our school design, we launched Da Vinci Institute for adult learners to gain access to our best practices, resources, and training. The Institute hosts workshops, conferences, tours, continuing education, and fellowships for educators who are interested in taking a deeper dive into the Da Vinci Model. Recent workshop topics have included:  Project-Based Learning, Creating Positive Student Cultures, Mastery-Based Grading and Assessment, and Internships, Work Experience, and Real World Learning.

Da Vinci seeks to impact even more students through a new incubator program to train school leaders to design and launch new schools of their own. As a sign of our success as an incubator, we were fortunate to win a $10 million XQ 'Super School' grant to start a competency-based school for homeless, foster youth, and other diverse learners in connection with a national competition to reimagine high school.

To schedule a student-led tour or professional development opportunity, please complete this form. For more information about our Incubator program, please contact Megan Martin, Director.

Educators Collaborating


Megan Martin
Director, Da Vinci Institute

Frank Solis
Assistant Director, Da Vinci Institute

Visit the Institute website: